Day 8
There are two words that, when spoken,
have the most unfathomable power to
completely change your life.
completely change your life.
Two words that,
when they pass your lips,
will be the cause of bringing absolute joy and happiness to you.
Two words that will create miracles in your life,
wipe out negativity,
and bring you abundance in all things.
Two words that,
Two words that,
when uttered and sincerely felt,
will summon all the forces in the
Universe to move all things for you.
There are just two words standing between you,
Universe to move all things for you.
There are just two words standing between you,
and the life of your dreams.
Are these two words really that powerful!
Think upon this...
Consider this, in all we are doing,
we are creating great change on the outside,
that is
already within us...
already within us...
And when you even for one minute consider why you would say thank you to someone,
or expect a thank you from someone...
What was the original driving thoughts behind that...
For me, it comes completely from Gratitude.
So when we think of it as that, and the feelings,
So when we think of it as that, and the feelings,
Remember the feelings within us are what we are touching up on everyday in the journey...
And the feelings of gratitude from the words
Thank You
Whether given or received...
Truly is powerful.
So I ask you to consider today...
So I ask you to consider today...
These two words...
Thank You.
What do they mean?
What do they mean?
We often say them and hear them lightly...
But the original driving force/power/thought/etc behind them...
Is very powerful.
As we are learning to replace the negative thoughts and energies with Grateful ones..
Tthese two words are so very powerful for us.
As we are learning to replace the negative thoughts and energies with Grateful ones..
Tthese two words are so very powerful for us.
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations.
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge.
Because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes.
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Bring Your Beauty To This Day
Give your goodness to this Life.
Now is filled with everything there is.
Now is filled with everything there is.
And it is more than you could ever imagine.
Experience the miracle of awareness.
Experience the miracle of awareness.
Live and do and love and know,
just because you can.
From here, you can go anywhere.
From here, you can go anywhere.
Choose the direction that you know is yours.
To be here in this moment,
To be here in this moment,
To be present in this place,
Is indeed a wonder of wonders.
The possibilities are all intensely real,
And you are even now bringing some of the best ones to life.
Quiet your thoughts, release your limitations,
Quiet your thoughts, release your limitations,
And feel the pure energy of life.
Truly understand where you come from,
Who you are,
Who you are,
And the magnificent things you can do.
Then say Thank You for all of it.
Be nice and smile to everyone you meet.
You don't know what they are going through,
And they may need that smile,
And treasure it.
Have a wonderful day and say those two words often.
Thank You.
Bright Blessings
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