Thursday, 9 July 2009


Day 7

"Happiness depends upon ourselves"

ARISTOTLE (384-322 BC)
No matter what we're doing or who we're with,
no matter our ups and our downs..
we all have them..
Happiness must come from within.
Allow your happiness to shine...
Through fun and joy, through tears and fears..
Feel it... at least during some parts your day...
Each day... it's right there...
The Path to True Happiness

What is the path to true happiness? How far must you go to
Find happiness?

You need not go very far at all. For happiness is always
Inside you, ready whenever you are.

No object, no person, no circumstance will make you happy.
You are always happy when you decide to be.

The good things in life do not cause happiness. It is
Precisely the other way around.

Allow happiness to flow out from you, and the good things in
Life will surround you and fill your world. Choose to be
Happy, with no conditions imposed upon that happiness, and
You'll create the ideal conditions for your life.

Happiness is a beautiful gift you can give yourself no
Matter what. Give it freely and it will change your world.

Ralph Marston
"When you're 'happy for no reason,'
you bring happiness to your everyday experiences
rather than try to extract happiness from them.
It's not that your life always looks perfect -
it's that however it looks,
you'll still be happy!"

Marci Shimoff
Have a wonderful day filled with Happiness
Bright Blessings

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