Saturday, 11 July 2009

Deep Relaxation

Day 11

Here is a simple, powerful precess that you can do everyday to bring yourself into
positive harmony with the Universe and the law of attraction.

Sit down comfortably.
Notice how you are feeling,
and now relax your entire body.
When you have relaxed your whole body,
then relax it some more.
Now relax it even more.
And relax it more!
Repeat this deeper relaxing seven times,
each time relaxing as much as you can.
When you have finished,
notice the difference in how you are feeling,
compared with how you felt when you began.

Now you are more in harmony with the Universe and the law of attraction.

Many of us do relaxing techniques often,
but keep in mind this is a part of this journey.
To allow yourself time each day to do this.
Remember it says to
"Notice how you are feeling"
And at the end it says to
"notice the difference in how you are feeling, compared with how your felt when you began."
I have often taught people how to meditate or just to simply relax.
The process above is not instant.
You need to allow 15-20 for it each day at least.
The seven times part is something I have always said too.
Use your breath to help you relax.
Find a quiet place for these few minutes.
Close your eyes.
Breathe in through your nose slowly deeply for 4 slow counts.
Hold it for 4 slow counts.
Allow your breath to gather your stuff, you may wish to let go of...big or small.
Breath out through your mouth for 4 slow counts, releasing blessing, giving thanks
Push out the last bit of air.
Do this 7 times, then stay in that state for a few minutes.
Some days you might want to do it for longer.
In this state you can pray, ask for some guidance on something going on in your life,
and you can listen to what is coming in, your thoughts.
Many times in this state, I get answers.
Then quietly move your feet, your hands, slowly open your eyes and allow yourself
to come back softly.
Remember what came through for you.
The first time people actually try this, they have told me often...
"Wow I was so relaxed"
It is amazing how, when you get to doing this for yourself everyday, it will help you
in your everyday life.
As it says, it keeps you in harmony with the Universe, as it flows.
No matter what we are doing thinking or saying, harmony is always better.

Deep Relaxation.

With the deep relaxation technique you can enter the Alpha State of the levels of consciousness within the mind. It is from this deep refreshing state of being that we can access the creative subconscious mind. By working at this level of consciousness we can reprogram the old faulty thought patterns and turn our lives around.

The main uses of the relaxation technique:

1. To reach deep physical relaxation
2. To harmonize your sleep cycles
3. To communicate with your subconscious mind.

Deep Physical Relaxation
The body carries a tremendous amount of residual stress that cannot be released until the subconscious mind is instructed to do so. It is necessary to relax the body completely before the mind begins to calm down. Once in the Alpha state of consciousness the body will gravitate back to its natural healthy condition. Although we should rejuvenate ourselves at night through natural sleep this seldom happens due to the stressful lives we live. It is therefore imperative that we afford ourselves the time to practice deep relaxation each day.

Harmonization of Sleep Cycles
Many people suffer from insomnia or disturbed sleep cycles due to the stresses and strains of today's rat race. Even once a stressful situation has passed one may be left with the bad habit of not being able to sleep. By learning to enter the Alpha state of consciousness the body is enabled to rejuvenate completely. Research has shown that 20 minutes of Alpha rest twice a day is equivalent to a whole night's sleep.

Communication with Your Subconscious Mind
The Alpha and the Theta states are synonymous with the right hemisphere of the brain. It is therefore important to switch off the Beta or left brain so that the imagination can be stimulated. As all problems originate in the mind, the solutions are also found in the mind. To be able to communicate effectively with this powerful creative aspect of our beings gives us the potential to achieve any goal we desire.

How It Works
The subconscious mind controls the whole body. Every cell of your body is nourished and controlled by the subconscious or Alpha state of consciousness. If you engage in a simple task like picking up a pencil you first of all have to have the intention, which is a decision made in the beta, or conscious mind, and then the subconscious mind does the action. The conscious mind does not have a clue how to pick up a pencil, whereas the subconscious mind performs this miraculous task instantly. In the same way, the subconscious mind can direct every cell of the body to release any or all of the tension that it has held, maybe for a long time. If the conscious mind attempts to relax the body the opposite would occur. To prove this, just try to consciously relax the toes. You will probably move them instead. This is where deep relaxation using an audio CD comes in useful. Instead of consciously relaxing, a relaxation audio will help you gain access to the subconscious mind by taking you into the Alpha state of consciousness.

A relaxation audio may be downloaded from HERE
This audio is by Terry Winchester,
a founder member of the
British National Council of Psychotherapists
and an honourary member of the
International Society for Professional Hypnosis.
Have a wonderful relaxing day.
Bright Blessings

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