Thursday, 9 July 2009

Life Is A Reflection From Within

Day 9

We attract to ourselves, what we hold inside.
Every circumstance, every person,
and every situation that we attract and experience
is based on what is inside of us.
Could you ask for a more magnificent system than this?

Your life is a reflection of what you hold inside you,
and what you hold inside you is always under your control.
All you do..all you know and all you are seeking is already within you...
But as you journey through this life,
It will make it's way to the top and out, If you allow it,
If you take responsibility for it.
I truly believe it is all about responsibility.
One of the greatest myths is that we think we are entitled to a great life
And we think there is someone somewhere that somehow is going to provide us with that wonderful life, filling our life with happiness, a great family and fulfilling relationships simply because we are.
The truth is there is only one person responsible for the quality of your life and that person is you.

What we attract to our lives comes from within.
It is all there just waiting to be released,
And the quality that is released depends upon ourselves -
No one else.
You produce the quality of your achievements, your relationships,
your lifestyle, your income, your health, your feelings -
When things are going well, we are quick to take the praise,
To pat ourselves on the back
However, most of us have been conditioned to seek a scapegoat when things go wrong.
We cast blame for the parts of our lives that we are not happy with.
We blame our parents, our spouse or partner, our children, our teachers, our fellow co-workers, the weather, the economy, our Zodiac chart, our bank balance.
We are blind to the real problem -

But the time has come to stop this destructive behaviours,
Because that is what not taking responsibility is.
The only place to find the answer to why you haven't created the life and results you want
Is inside yourself. It is you who creates the quality of the life you lead and the results you produce.
You - No one else!
To achieve those things that are most important to you,
You must assume 100% responsibility for your life.
Nothing less will do.
Taking 100% responsibility for your life means you acknowledge that you create everything that happens to you,
That you understand that you are the result of all of your experience.
You will have to cease blaming and complaining.
You will have to accept that you are the cause of all your results,
Both your successes and your failures.
That is a prerequisite for taking charge of you future.
By acknowledging that you have created everything in your life up until now,
You are able to un-create them, or re-create them at will.
"Ninety-percent of all failures come from people
who have a habit of making excuses."
George Washington Carver

Responsibility is the key to creating the life of your dreams.
Taking responsibility means giving up excuses, playing the victim, all the reasons why you can't and why you don't, all your blaming of external stimuli.
All these things are of the past, gone and forgotten.
If you want your life to be different, more purposeful, more productive and all the other things that make up your dream life, you must accept that you have always had the power to make it different, to get things right, to produce the results you dream of.
What ever the reason you choose to blame for the lack of achieving your dreams -
Ignorance, fear, safety, lack of awareness -
You made the choices that produced the life you lead.
But the past is just that - It is PAST.
All that matters is that from here on you make the choice to take 100% responsibility
for everything that does and does not happen to you!
Examine your thinking, your beliefs, your words,
or the communications with others that you fail to make or complete,
what you do or leave undone.
All of this comes from within you and has an impact on how things turn out in your life.
If necessary, think about how you might do things differently next time.
If you don't like the result you are getting in life, there are two basic choices you can make.
Firstly, you can blame the event for the results or
Secondly, you can change your responses to the event until you get the results you want.
You can change your thinking, your words, your vision, the way you see the world, your own self esteem, your actions. That is all you have any control over anyway.
If you remain controlled by past habits you are going to find it very difficult to change anything, you'll get stuck in conditioned responses. We are a bundle of conditioned reflexes, which are operated outside our control. To regain control, change your habits to positive habits.
Your thoughts, words and actions should become intentional, aligned with purpose, values and goals.
You need to also make a great change to how you react to situations in life.
It is a matter of attitude and behaviour that is able to create a completely different experience to what has gone before.
Everything you have experienced today is the result of choices you have made in the past.
You have control over only three things in your life:
YOUR Thoughts
YOUR Visions
YOUR Actions
How you use these three determines everything you experience.
Transform Excuses

When you find yourself making an excuse, take a good, careful
Look at that excuse. What if you could transform it into a
Powerful reason for stepping forward?

Whatever serves as an excuse for not taking action can
Instead serve as a compelling reason to go ahead and act. It
All depends on how you choose to see it.

Stop and listen to the excuses you make. You'll realize that
They're only excuses because you cast them as such.

The events and circumstances in your life are what they are.
What makes them meaningful to you is the way you choose to
See them and respond to them.

There are plenty of perfectly reasonable excuses for not
Moving forward, if you decide to view them as such. Yet it
Is just as realistic to see those same factors as reasons to
Take action without delay.

Whatever may be stopping you could be pushing you forward.
Are you ready now to achieve?

Ralph Marston
When you extend pure love to everyone
With selfless motivation that is an attitude of kindness.
When you send good wishes and pure feelings
To those who are in deep sorrow, that is an attitude of mercy.
When you see the virtues rather than the weaknesses in people
That is an attitude of compassion.
When you bless and uplift someone
Even as they defame you,
That is an attitude of forgiveness.
When you tolerate a situation and take responsibility
As well as give cooperation
Even when not appreciated,
That is an attitude of humility and self-respect.
Every second, every moment and every breath
Of your life is nurtured by attitude.
Have a wonderful day
Releasing the Tremendous Potential that lies within you.
Bright Blessings

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