Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Who Are You?

Day 14
"The greatest revolution in our generations
is the discovery that human beings,
by changing the inner attitudes of their minds,
can change the outer aspects of their lives."
William James (1842-1910)
Who Are You?
Minus the good and minus the bad...
Minus the happy and minus the sad...
Minus those you love,
Minus those who return that love and
Minus those who do not love,
Or even like you...
Minus your place in society and
Minus your wealth or lack of it...
Minus the image you portray and
Minus the way that image is perceived...
Who are you?
In the first light of dawn,
Before you put on your worldly clothes...
In the darkness of night,
When you take them off...
Who are you?
Do you stand in awe of yourself as an incredible creation
And view your life from that point?
You should...
You have the miraculous ability to
Breathe, see, feel, hear, move, smell, touch and love.
Is that not wonderful,
Or have you forgotten who you are
Beneath your cloak of flesh and bones?
Very young children know who they are.
Their mere existence is cause for celebration.
They run and jump and yell and sing and dance
With a passion that rises from the joy of being alive.
You had that same sense of awesome wonder -- once.
Struggles and disappointments didn't destroy it.
You simply put it away and forgot about it;
All the other baggage you were cursed with
By the world around you
Made it just another burden to carry.
There are flashes now and then, little reminders.
A thought you can't quite grasp.
A feeling that slips through your fingers.
A yearning that never completely goes away.
In the twinkling of a moment, you are here.
In the twinkling of another you are gone.
Everything in between is the fullness of your life,
Not the separate compartments that push and pull and stretch you thin.
The Universe endowed you with the gift of life, creating you as its miracle.
You are never anything less than miraculous.
Do not ever think otherwise.

Understanding where you are coming from.

Self-awareness is about being honest about who we really are, our potential and what is required of us if we truly want to achieve the life of our dreams. It’s being able to look at ourselves in a metaphorical mirror and being able to see what lurks behind the shell that is our physical body; it’s acknowledging how we feel, how we think, our actions, and all the things there are to know about our characters. It is also being sensitive, tuned into life and knowing what is going on in our environment and being aware of the needs of others. Those who are confidently self-aware are open, warm and receptive of new ideas and opportunities. They see the many choices in every situation.
Do we look at life through our parents’ spectacles?
Are our prejudices inherited or are they our own?
We need to understand that each human being on earth is a person with equal rights to fulfil their own potential - that religion, gender, wealth, intelligence, nationality or colour are not measures of worth or merit. We need to appreciate that every human being is a distinctly unique individual and that no two people are alike, not even identical twins.
We need to appreciate what being human is … that is a changing, growing, imperfect but amazing living creature with the marvellous ability to understand their own relationship to the environment and to the many people and events that work together in everyday life. We need to adapt mentally and physically to survive in a world where our senses are continually under attack. Learning to relax and cope with the trials and tribulations of everyday life is fundamental to survival and achievement, developing a mental hide, as it were, of strength of character.
Little has changed since the days of our early ancestors when, at the first hint of danger or threat, the body automatically mustered its defences in preparation for Fight or Flight. Today this automatic body response results in stress, which can be devastating on mental and physical health. But those who have a positive self-awareness know that this auto-response is an important part of eventual success. Each person should try to find his or her own healthy stress level in life and operate within that level. While expressing emotions such as love, joy, compassion, and exhilaration is healthy and desirable, conversely it is beneficial to minimise the overt expression of anger, hostility, depression, anxiety, and loneliness. The only healthy expression of Fight or Flight emotion is in the face of life or death situations.
Positive Self-Awareness is realising that we need to continue to learn, to adapt and grow every day; comprehending the abundance of potential within us, and understanding how little we have done to challenge our minds. It is accepting that we must seek and walk with truth every day of our lives, always being open to wiser choices and improved approaches to reaching a life of our dreams, knowing that there is still time to reach those dreams.
Dori J Locke
Excerpt from her book:
"Results Unlimited"

Self-image is how you see yourself in relation to others. This is the idea you have of what kind of person you are, which could also be called self-concept. It is very important, as it affects your self-esteem and confidence.

Self-image includes the following:

· What you think you look like physically.
· How your personality comes across
· What kind of person you think you are
· What you think others think of you
· How much you like yourself or you think others like you

Self worth id tied very closely to our self-image. Self worth can be described as a personal judgement of worthiness that is expressed in the attitudes we hold about ourselves. The picture we hold of ourselves in our mind is ultimately connected to the value we place on ourselves. Having a healthy self worth is having a positive constructive view of yourself and your abilities. It allows you to work toward your goals and engage in rewarding relationships. An unhealthy self worth is displayed in a negative, pessimistic or disapproving view of yourself. it is the ability to see beyond limitations and problems. Those who display this type of worth believe that they cannot reach gaols nor have meaningful relationships.
Improving your self-image, like improving any skill, takes time and practice. Developing good self-esteem involves encouraging a positive attitude towards yourself and the world around you and appreciating your worth, while at the same time behaving responsibly towards others. Self-esteem is not self-absorption; it is self-respect.
By working from the inside out and focusing on changing your own way of thinking before changing the circumstances around you, you can build your self-esteem. The goal of this positive thinking is to give yourself a more positive self-image, while seeing yourself honestly and accepting yourself, and then removing the internal barriers that can keep you from doing your best.
The following are several quick and easy techniques you can use to improve your self-image:
· Avoid exaggerations.
Correct your internal voice when it exaggerates, especially when it exaggerates the negative. Try to avoid thinking in extreme terms. (“I always make that mistake,” or “I’ll never get that promotion.”)
· Stop negative thoughts in their tracks.
Sometimes putting a stop to negative thinking is as easy as that. The next time you start giving yourself an internal beating, tell yourself, “Stop it!” if you saw a person yelling insults at another person, you would probably tell them to stop. Why do you accept that behaviour from yourself?
· Accentuate the positive.
Instead of focusing on what you think are your negative qualities, accentuate your strengths and assets. Maybe you did not ace the presentation you just gave, but maybe your hard work and perseverance lead to a better understanding of the information that you would have had. Maybe you felt nervous and self-conscious when giving that presentation, but maybe your boss and co-workers respected you for getting up and trying.
· Accept flaws and being human.
Maybe you did get nervous and blow that presentation – so what? Talk to your boss about what went wrong, try to address the error in the future, and move on. All people have flaws and make mistakes. Your boss, co-workers, friends, family, mail carrier, congressional representative, and favourite movie star have all made mistakes. They have forgiven themselves; so can you.
· Accept imperfection.
Perfection is a high goal to aim for – you do not need to start there or even end there. Make doing your best your ideal; what more can you realistically do? Focus on what you have gained from the process and how you can use it in the future. Avoid focusing on what was not done or should have been done differently. Allow yourself to make mistakes and then forgive yourself. Try laughing instead of criticizing.
· Do not bully yourself!
“Should have, could have, would have …” Try not to constantly second guess yourself, criticize yourself for what you “should” have done better, or expect too much from yourself. Do not put standards on yourself that you would not expect from others. It is great to want to do well, but expecting yourself to be perfect (which is impossible) and then punishing yourself when you fail is a vicious cycle. Using expressions like “I should have” is just a way of punishing yourself after the fact.
· Replace criticism with encouragement.
Instead of nagging or focusing on the negative (in yourself and others), replace your criticism with encouragement. Give constructive criticism instead of being critical (“Maybe if I tried to do … next time, it would be even better” instead of “I didn’t do that right.”) compliment yourself and those around you on what you have achieved (“Well, we may not have done it all, but we did a pretty great job with what we did.”)
· Do not feel guilty about things beyond your control.
You are not to blame every time something goes wrong or someone has a problem. Apologizing for things and accepting blame can be a positive quality if you are in the wrong and if you learn and move on. However, you should not feel responsible for all problems or assume you are to blame whenever someone is upset.
· Do not feel responsible for everything.
Just as not everything is your fault, not everything is your responsibility. It is okay to be helpful, but do not feel the need to be all things (and do all things) for all people. This is taking too much of a burden on yourself AND limiting those around you. Let others be responsible for themselves and their actions – you should not feel responsible for their happiness.

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches,
but reveal to them their own.”

Benjamin Disraeli,
Former Prime Minister of England
Don’t Change the World
Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled a prosperous country.
One day, he went for a trip to some distant areas of his country.
When he was back to his palace, he complained that his feet were very painful, because it was the first time that he went for such a long trip, and the road that he went through was very rough and stony. He then ordered his people to cover every road of the entire country with leather. Definitely, this would need thousands of cows’ skin, and would cost a huge amount of money.
Then one of his wise servant dared himself to tell the king, “Why do you have to spend that unnecessary amount of money ? Why don’t you just cut a little piece of leather to cover your feet?”
The king was surprised, but he later agreed to his suggestion, to make a “shoe” for himself.
There is actually a valuable lesson of life in this story:
“To make this world a happy place to live,
you better change yourself -
your heart;
and not the world.”
Small Steps To Big Change -Making Big Change Easier
When we decide that it’s time for big changes in our lives, it is wise to ease into them by starting small. Small changes allow us to grow into a new habit and make it a permanent part of our lives, whereas sudden changes may cause a sense of failure that makes it difficult to go on, and we are more likely to revert to our old ways. Even if we have gone that route and find ourselves contemplating the choice to start over again, we can decide to take it slowly this time, and move forward.
Sometimes the goals we set for ourselves are merely indicators of the need for change and are useful in getting us moving in the right direction. But it is possible that once we try out what seemed so ideal, we may find that it doesn’t actually suit us, or make us feel the way we had hoped. By embarking on the path slowly, we have the chance to look around and considerother options as we learn and grow. We have time to examine the underlying values of the desire for change and find ways to manifest those feelings, whether it looks exactly like our initial goal or not.
Taking small steps forward gives us time to adjust and find secure footing on our new path.
Life doesn’t always give us the opportunity to anticipate or prepare for a big change, and we may find ourselves overwhelmed by what is in front of us. By choosing one thing to work on at a time, we focus our attention on something manageable, and eventually we will look up to see that we have accomplished quite a bit.
Forcing change is, in essence, a sign that we do not trust the universe’s wisdom. Instead, we can listen to our inner guidance and make changes at a pace that is right for us, ensuring that we do so in alignment with the rhythm of the universe.
Have a wonderful day filled with life's blessings

Monday, 13 July 2009

The Law Is Still Working


Day 13
Each of us is attracting in every moment of our lives.
So when you feel that the law isn't working
for you because you don't' have what you want,
realize that the law is responding to you.
You are either attracting what you want
or you are attracting the absence of what you want.
The law is still working.



The Law of Gender

Every seed has a gestation or incubation period.

Ideas are spiritual seeds and will move into form or physical result.

Your goals will manifest when the time is right.

Ask, believe and know that they will.


The law of Gender is to be found in all things as masculine and feminine.

It is the law that governs what we know as creation.

The word 'creation' is often eroneously used, as, in reality, nothing is ever created.

All new things merely result from the changing of something that was, into something else that now is.

The Law of Gender manifests in the animal kingdom as sex.

It also manifests in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms.

Without the dual principle of male and female in all things, there could not be a difference of potential, perpetualtion of motion, nor a regeneration.

This is, in truth, the Creative Law.

This law decrees that everything in nature is both male and female.

Both are required for life to exist.

It is the law of Ying and Yang.

It also decrees that seeds have a gestation or incubation period before they manifest.

Ideas or thoughts are spiritual seeds.

In other words, when you choose a gaol or build the image in your mind, a definite period of time must elapse before the image manifests in physical form.

Be patient!

All ideas move into form in the right time.



I'd like to share with you a recording of an interview with

My Mentor Bob Proctor on

"The 11 Forgotten Laws"

Don't miss the article by Brian Wong on



Have a Wonderful Day

Practice Attracting Great Things Into Your Life.

Bright Blessings




Persist, Persist, Persist

Day 12

Persist, persists, persist, and you will reach a point where the principles
of The Secret become second nature to you. You will be come so
aware of the words that people speak, especially when they speak
of things they don't want. You will become so aware of the
words that you speak.
When you reach this point, it is a sign that you are becoming more and
more aware! You are becoming more consciously aware!
Keep Building
If it were quick and easy you would have already done it. The
Fact that it is difficult and time-consuming means you're
Doing something truly worthwhile.
The value of any achievement is built with the time and
Effort you put into it. Keep going, keep building, keep at
It and you'll truly have something of great value.
It is often difficult to stay positively focused. And it is
Always worth the trouble.
Sure, it would be much easier to do nothing. Yet by doing
Nothing, you create nothing.
Instead, step forward and do the difficult work that must be
Done. With each effort, you are adding more value and
Substance to the achievement.
Feel the satisfaction as you continue the difficult and
Rewarding work of building that achievement. Know that the
Value has already started coming to life.
Ralph Marston
The act of persisting or persevering, continuing or repeating behaviour,
The property of a continuous and connected period of time,
Persistent determination,
The sustained effort necessary to induce faith.
Persistence is an essential factor in the procedure of transforming desire into its physical counterpart. The basis of persistence is the power of will and will power and desire, when properly integrated, make an irresistible pair. Without this continued perseverance we would most likely not have such things as the electric light bulb to light our homes, the aeroplane to transport us about the world in an efficient time, and many other things, which we take for granted today.
The majority of people are ready to throw the baby out with the bath water, throwing their aims and purposes away, giving up at the first sign of conflict or misfortune. A few carry on, despite their obstacles until they achieve their goal. There may be no laudable implication to the word ‘persistence’, but the attribute is to the character of the human being what carbon is to steel.
Lack of persistence is one of the major causes of failure. And remember, you have not failed until you refuse to try again. Lack of persistence is a flaw common to the majority of people, a flaw that may be overcome by effort. The ease with which this lack may be subjugated depends entirely upon the intensity of desire, the starting point of all achievement. Keep in mind that weak desires bring weak results. This failing may be remedied by increasing desire.
John Gray, the author of ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’, tells a wonderful story about Lauren, his five-year-old daughter, on holiday in Hawaii. She found a box of “magic stars” in a little bookstore, and the instructions for one said something like; “Hold this magic star close to your heart, close your eyes, and then make a wish. You can have anything you want.” Hearing this, she lit up with excitement, as if she had made the discovery of a lifetime, which perhaps she had. She was so happy, she held her magic star to her breast, making wishes. After a few hours she asked why her wishes hadn’t come true. His wife responded with much wisdom that as long as we keep our heart open and continue to make wishes, then our wishes would come true. However, they don’t always come true immediately. It takes time and we have to have patience. ===
What an amazing way to summarize the secret of persistence. Keep your heart open and continue to want your heart’s desire. However, this also explains why so many people loose their creative power. When they don’t get what they want, they give up and stop believing. The secret of creating is sustaining a strong, wilful intention, exploiting desire and trust, two powerful benefactors.
We all need one of those “magic stars”, and you know what? We can have one if we just get recognize, and continue to acknowledge our deepest desires. By continuing, persistently, to focus on what we really want we can increase our power to create in life and have the life of our dreams.
Without persistence you will be overcome even before you start, no matter what your goal. With persistence you will win. Be tenacious, no matter how slowly you may at first appear to be moving toward your goal, but as long as you are moving in the direction of your goal, you are achieving. If you are standing still, you are actually moving backwards away from the goal.
There is no substitute for persistence. It cannot be replace by any other quality. Those who have cultivated the habit of persistence seem to enjoy insurance against failure. No matter how many times they are defeated, they finally appear to arrive at the top of the ladder. Those who pick themselves up after defeat, and keep on trying, succeed. It is evident that those who ‘hang in there’ are generously rewarded for their persistence. They receive not only whatever goal they are pursuing as their prize, but more: they receive something substantially more significant than material compensation. They obtain the knowledge that every failure brings with it the seed of a correspondent benefit.
There are no exceptions to this rule. The minority know from experience the soundness of persistence, those who have not accepted defeat as being anything more than temporary. Their desires are so persistently applied that defeat is changed into victory. They take the chastisement of defeat as an urge to greater effort. There is a silent but overwhelming power that comes to the rescue of those who fight in the face of discouragement. If one does not employ persistence, one does not achieve significant success in any calling.
There are times in life when we witness all sorts of undesirable things taking place, people doing things we cannot condone or admire, or things happen to us that we can’t believe we deserve. It is at times like this that we might think, “What’s the point of carrying on? What hope is there for me? Why not just give up on all the things I’m trying to achieve and just chill out?”
Even the most successful goal-driven people feel like this at times; all of us have these moments in life. That’s when perseverance becomes even more important, even though sticking with it is exceedingly challenging. How does one get past such challenges?
Well, first you have to ask yourself:
Who am I working for other than me?
Who is depending on me?
Who else, other than me, will benefit if I persevere and succeed?
Who will suffer if I give up and stop trying?
Who can I reach out to and help once I have achieved my goals?
The answers to these questions are obvious to most people. If you have a family, your spouse and children are depending on you. You may be required to be responsible for elderly parents or for grown up children. Even if you are a single person you may find reasons beyond your personal needs to persevere. Perhaps you may want to share some of your success and achievements in a charitable manner. This sharing may not be limited to financial matters; you may be sharing skills and abilities. This is a wonderful possibility to consider.
Even this isn’t a strong enough reason to persist. You may feel that you will do better if you are working for others in addition to yourself, but it is imperative to find reasons beyond yourself to persevere if you want to continue when things get difficult. You need other people to help you in life. You are not an island. It also means that you need people you can help. You need others to become the real reason for perseverance beyond physical assets or financial success. What you get out of it can only drive you so far, but when there is something to be gained by others, especially if they are precious individuals in your life, you should be driven as far as you need to go.
No matter what we are trying to accomplish, we need to look outside ourselves for reasons to persevere. Is there any better reason to continue than helping others on the road to your own success? I don’t think so.
Like all states of mind, persistence is based upon definite causes:
Definiteness Of Purpose
Knowing what one wants is the first, and perhaps the most important step towards the development of persistence. A strong motive forces one to surmount many difficulties.
It is comparatively easy to acquire and to maintain persistence in pursuing the object of intense desire.
Belief in one’s ability to carry out a plan encourages one to follow the plan through with persistence.
Definite Plans
Organised plans encourage persistence, even if they are flimsy or unrealistic.
Accurate Knowledge
Knowing that one’s plans are sound, based upon experience or observation, encourages persistence.
Sympathy, understanding and harmonious co-operation with others tends to develop persistence.
The habit of concentration one’s thoughts upon the building of plans for the attainment of a definite purpose, leads to persistence.
Persistence is the direct result of habit. The mind absorbs and becomes a part of the daily experience upon which it feeds. Fear, the worst of all enemies, can be effectively cured by forced repletion of acts of courage.
Take inventory of your self and determine what in particular you are lacking in this essential quality. Measure yourself daringly, point by point, and see how many of the eight factors of persistence you lack. The analysis may unearth characteristics that will give you a new view of yourself.
Resolve in advance that you will never quit once you have started towards your goal. No matter how many setbacks or obstacles you experience, make the decision that you will keep on picking yourself up and persisting until you eventually succeed.
Persistence is a form of courage, and it takes courage to persist longer than anybody else. Your willingness to persist in the face of every adversity can be your greatest asset. It can be the ONE factor that guarantees your success. If you refuse to quit, success must ultimately be yours. No one is ever defeated until they accept defeat as a reality. No one but yourself can ever defeat you.
When you discipline yourself to do what you should do, whether you feel like it or not, and you utilise inner strength to build high levels of courage and persistence within yourself, you will become an incredibly powerful person. By deciding in advance that you will persist, no matter what the difficulty, you give yourself a psychological edge. You will come to feel that there is nothing that you cannot accomplish and the point will come when you feel completely unstoppable.
When the difficulties do arrive, you will be mentally prepared to plough through them rather than quit. Your willingness and ability to persist are what will eventually guarantee your success.
Have a satisfying day
Building on your achievements.
Bright Blessings

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Deep Relaxation

Day 11

Here is a simple, powerful precess that you can do everyday to bring yourself into
positive harmony with the Universe and the law of attraction.

Sit down comfortably.
Notice how you are feeling,
and now relax your entire body.
When you have relaxed your whole body,
then relax it some more.
Now relax it even more.
And relax it more!
Repeat this deeper relaxing seven times,
each time relaxing as much as you can.
When you have finished,
notice the difference in how you are feeling,
compared with how you felt when you began.

Now you are more in harmony with the Universe and the law of attraction.

Many of us do relaxing techniques often,
but keep in mind this is a part of this journey.
To allow yourself time each day to do this.
Remember it says to
"Notice how you are feeling"
And at the end it says to
"notice the difference in how you are feeling, compared with how your felt when you began."
I have often taught people how to meditate or just to simply relax.
The process above is not instant.
You need to allow 15-20 for it each day at least.
The seven times part is something I have always said too.
Use your breath to help you relax.
Find a quiet place for these few minutes.
Close your eyes.
Breathe in through your nose slowly deeply for 4 slow counts.
Hold it for 4 slow counts.
Allow your breath to gather your stuff, you may wish to let go of...big or small.
Breath out through your mouth for 4 slow counts, releasing blessing, giving thanks
Push out the last bit of air.
Do this 7 times, then stay in that state for a few minutes.
Some days you might want to do it for longer.
In this state you can pray, ask for some guidance on something going on in your life,
and you can listen to what is coming in, your thoughts.
Many times in this state, I get answers.
Then quietly move your feet, your hands, slowly open your eyes and allow yourself
to come back softly.
Remember what came through for you.
The first time people actually try this, they have told me often...
"Wow I was so relaxed"
It is amazing how, when you get to doing this for yourself everyday, it will help you
in your everyday life.
As it says, it keeps you in harmony with the Universe, as it flows.
No matter what we are doing thinking or saying, harmony is always better.

Deep Relaxation.

With the deep relaxation technique you can enter the Alpha State of the levels of consciousness within the mind. It is from this deep refreshing state of being that we can access the creative subconscious mind. By working at this level of consciousness we can reprogram the old faulty thought patterns and turn our lives around.

The main uses of the relaxation technique:

1. To reach deep physical relaxation
2. To harmonize your sleep cycles
3. To communicate with your subconscious mind.

Deep Physical Relaxation
The body carries a tremendous amount of residual stress that cannot be released until the subconscious mind is instructed to do so. It is necessary to relax the body completely before the mind begins to calm down. Once in the Alpha state of consciousness the body will gravitate back to its natural healthy condition. Although we should rejuvenate ourselves at night through natural sleep this seldom happens due to the stressful lives we live. It is therefore imperative that we afford ourselves the time to practice deep relaxation each day.

Harmonization of Sleep Cycles
Many people suffer from insomnia or disturbed sleep cycles due to the stresses and strains of today's rat race. Even once a stressful situation has passed one may be left with the bad habit of not being able to sleep. By learning to enter the Alpha state of consciousness the body is enabled to rejuvenate completely. Research has shown that 20 minutes of Alpha rest twice a day is equivalent to a whole night's sleep.

Communication with Your Subconscious Mind
The Alpha and the Theta states are synonymous with the right hemisphere of the brain. It is therefore important to switch off the Beta or left brain so that the imagination can be stimulated. As all problems originate in the mind, the solutions are also found in the mind. To be able to communicate effectively with this powerful creative aspect of our beings gives us the potential to achieve any goal we desire.

How It Works
The subconscious mind controls the whole body. Every cell of your body is nourished and controlled by the subconscious or Alpha state of consciousness. If you engage in a simple task like picking up a pencil you first of all have to have the intention, which is a decision made in the beta, or conscious mind, and then the subconscious mind does the action. The conscious mind does not have a clue how to pick up a pencil, whereas the subconscious mind performs this miraculous task instantly. In the same way, the subconscious mind can direct every cell of the body to release any or all of the tension that it has held, maybe for a long time. If the conscious mind attempts to relax the body the opposite would occur. To prove this, just try to consciously relax the toes. You will probably move them instead. This is where deep relaxation using an audio CD comes in useful. Instead of consciously relaxing, a relaxation audio will help you gain access to the subconscious mind by taking you into the Alpha state of consciousness.

A relaxation audio may be downloaded from HERE
This audio is by Terry Winchester,
a founder member of the
British National Council of Psychotherapists
and an honourary member of the
International Society for Professional Hypnosis.
Have a wonderful relaxing day.
Bright Blessings

Friday, 10 July 2009

A Child Of The Universe

Day 10

You are a unique and magnificent human being.
Of all the billions of people on the planet,
there is not another YOU,
and your very existence is vital to the functioning of our Universe,
because you are one part of the whole Universe.
All that you see, and all that there is,
could not exist without you!
Yes..it could exist and would exist...
but it would not exist, the way it would today with you in it...
here for all you might touch today.

I write often in letters I send to my groups and friends,
how special they are, and I know so many don't realize how true this is.
Not many people in their lives tell them this.
They simply don't hear it enough.
They have no idea of the impact of their life on the planet.
And on the Universe.
If people did, I feel the world would be lifted to a higher level.
They would know and understand how vital and important they really are.
We are exactly where we are suppose to be,
doing exactly what we are suppose to be doing,
with exactly the person, or persons, we are suppose to be doing things with
NOW, the difference is in that free will thing.
And how we chose to effect our world and the world around us.
But life would not be the same with us gone.
You can know this and maybe understand this by thinking upon these thoughts.

When someone passes from this lifetime, back to spirit...
Does it not effect OUR world..
The world of the people they worked with,
The world of the people met at park or a beach..
Even a night club, a store,
Let alone their families and friends who loved them soo much?
That spirit...that entity ...YOU...is no longer here,
No longer here to make any effect on who is left here.
And just for a few minutes,
Think upon how you not being here tomorrow
would affect the world,
Your family, your friends, your work, your play,
your pets, your future descendantds
etc ...etc....etc.....
We are so connected,
So never underestimate the power and impact YOU have,
not only on your family and closest friends,
but on this entire world.
You are famous in your own right.
Declare that and let it amaze you to
How wonderful and special you are
One and Only You
Every single blade of grass,
And every flake of snow ---
Is just a wee bit different ...
There's no two alike, you know.
From something small, like grains of sand,
To each gigantic star ---
All were made with THIS in mind:
To be just what they are!
How foolish then, to imitate ---
How useless to pretend!
Since each of us comes from a MIND
Whose ideas never end.
There'll only be just ONE of ME
To show what I can do ---
And you should likewise feel very proud,
There's only ONE of YOU.
That is where it all starts
With you,
a wonderful unlimited
human being.
James T Moore
A Child Of The Universe

This is such a fantastic concept that I could write a book about it. However I will try to put my thoughts in brief.

If we are to believe the scientists about beginnings, everything started with
You thought I was going to say - a Big Bang. That came after attraction. Everything that was, that is and that ever will be was all in one infinitesimal quantum of space - everything physical, mental or spiritual, crammed into a minute cosmos imbedded in oblivion.
From that came vibration - energy - which spewed everything outward.
From the particles of matter disgorged out from that embryonic cosmos came all the physical matter in existence today, every atom, molecule, star, planet, life form, plant, creature - and YOU!

Isn't that amazing?
But let's regress a bit here.
Let's go back to that one infinitesimal quantum in space.
In that was all the Potential for the entire Universe.

"dormant ability - reserved power - untapped strength - unused success - hidden talents - capped capability."

So, if the entire Universal Potential was present in that tiny speck, so must your potential have been there too.
That means you have always been in existence and so has your potential......

Ask yourself:

"Who am I?"
"Why am I here?"
"How much potential do I possess?"
" What am I capable of?"
"By what measures or standards should I assess my ability?"
"By whom are these standards set?"
"How can I maximize my ability?"
"What are my limitations?"

Within the answer to these questions lies a key which opens an amazing door -
A portal to an effective, fulfilled life.

Let's take another look at the Universe.
We know that this speck we inhabit has developed in such a way that life as we know it is possible on this planet. We cannot be sure, but there is a great probability that there are other celestial bodies out in the cosmos that supports life in some form or other, but to us, this cosmic speck we inhabit is special. The diversity of life forms on it is fantastic. And we believe that right up at the top of the life forms on this planet is MAN.

Generally speaking, most peoples' answer to the first question will be:
"I'm just me," or "I'm so-and-so."
Most people don't have even an inkling why they are here or what they should expect from life.
How sad!
People generally fall into one of three groups:

The many who watch things happen,
The few who make things happen,
And The overwhelming majority who have no idea what happens.
Most of society is so pathetic it takes the easy shortcut to a life of hard labour,
prefers being layed back rather than diligent, boasts a work ethic that demonstrates an attitude of, "What can I get out of this", rather than"What can I give," passes by on the other side of the road rather than stopping to help the person lying there injured.....
Society wants all its problems solved, but it want someone else to do it for them.
This nonchalant attitude is so powerful it has kept the masses down in mediocrity for so long.
It has been used by so called leaders since time immemorial, but the time has come for people to realize they are not intended to be creatures of circumstance, but rather they should be creators of circumstance.
We are not intended to conform in entirety to our environment with our behaviour finitely determined from without - instead of allowing the environment to control us, we should control the environment.

Being just one of the near on 6.8 billion people inhabiting this earth you are probably going to think,
"I am just one - What can I do?"

In the words of Canon Farrar (Frederic William Farrar - 1831-1903)
" I am only one. But I am one.
I cannot do everything. But I can do something.
What I can do - I ought to do.
And what I ought to do - By the grace of God I will do."

Only a small percentage of the 6.8 billion people on earth will experience a significant portion of their true potential . Are you a candidate for contributing to the most wealthy acres of your city or town - The cemetery? buried beneath the soil within the walls of those hallowed grounds are dreams that never reached fulfillment, books that were never written, pictures that remained in the artist's brush and songs whose words and melodies were never heard. One of the saddest occurrences in life is to watch while untapped potential dies. Our graveyards are filled with potential that remained untapped. So many potentially great men and women never realize their potential because they do not grasp just who they are and what they can achieve.
There is a wealth of potential in you. You must decide if you are going to rob the world or bless it with the rich, valuable, potent, untapped resources locked away within you.
You are more than your past, more that what you have achieved so far in this life, far more than you have ever imagined.
We are responsible for the great storehouse of potential within us. It is our duty to ourselves and to the world to learn to understand it and use it to the best of our ability. Too often our successes hold us back, preventing us from seeking and releasing the wealth that still lies dormant within us. Achievements become our enemies as we settle for what we have already produced in this lifetime. Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. Don't ever be satisfied with your previous achievement, for potential does not have an end, it is infinite.
The time is now! Start imagining big time - start tapping that vast storehouse that is YOU.
Make your day marvelous and unique, just like you.
Bright Blessings

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Life Is A Reflection From Within

Day 9

We attract to ourselves, what we hold inside.
Every circumstance, every person,
and every situation that we attract and experience
is based on what is inside of us.
Could you ask for a more magnificent system than this?

Your life is a reflection of what you hold inside you,
and what you hold inside you is always under your control.
All you do..all you know and all you are seeking is already within you...
But as you journey through this life,
It will make it's way to the top and out, If you allow it,
If you take responsibility for it.
I truly believe it is all about responsibility.
One of the greatest myths is that we think we are entitled to a great life
And we think there is someone somewhere that somehow is going to provide us with that wonderful life, filling our life with happiness, a great family and fulfilling relationships simply because we are.
The truth is there is only one person responsible for the quality of your life and that person is you.

What we attract to our lives comes from within.
It is all there just waiting to be released,
And the quality that is released depends upon ourselves -
No one else.
You produce the quality of your achievements, your relationships,
your lifestyle, your income, your health, your feelings -
When things are going well, we are quick to take the praise,
To pat ourselves on the back
However, most of us have been conditioned to seek a scapegoat when things go wrong.
We cast blame for the parts of our lives that we are not happy with.
We blame our parents, our spouse or partner, our children, our teachers, our fellow co-workers, the weather, the economy, our Zodiac chart, our bank balance.
We are blind to the real problem -

But the time has come to stop this destructive behaviours,
Because that is what not taking responsibility is.
The only place to find the answer to why you haven't created the life and results you want
Is inside yourself. It is you who creates the quality of the life you lead and the results you produce.
You - No one else!
To achieve those things that are most important to you,
You must assume 100% responsibility for your life.
Nothing less will do.
Taking 100% responsibility for your life means you acknowledge that you create everything that happens to you,
That you understand that you are the result of all of your experience.
You will have to cease blaming and complaining.
You will have to accept that you are the cause of all your results,
Both your successes and your failures.
That is a prerequisite for taking charge of you future.
By acknowledging that you have created everything in your life up until now,
You are able to un-create them, or re-create them at will.
"Ninety-percent of all failures come from people
who have a habit of making excuses."
George Washington Carver

Responsibility is the key to creating the life of your dreams.
Taking responsibility means giving up excuses, playing the victim, all the reasons why you can't and why you don't, all your blaming of external stimuli.
All these things are of the past, gone and forgotten.
If you want your life to be different, more purposeful, more productive and all the other things that make up your dream life, you must accept that you have always had the power to make it different, to get things right, to produce the results you dream of.
What ever the reason you choose to blame for the lack of achieving your dreams -
Ignorance, fear, safety, lack of awareness -
You made the choices that produced the life you lead.
But the past is just that - It is PAST.
All that matters is that from here on you make the choice to take 100% responsibility
for everything that does and does not happen to you!
Examine your thinking, your beliefs, your words,
or the communications with others that you fail to make or complete,
what you do or leave undone.
All of this comes from within you and has an impact on how things turn out in your life.
If necessary, think about how you might do things differently next time.
If you don't like the result you are getting in life, there are two basic choices you can make.
Firstly, you can blame the event for the results or
Secondly, you can change your responses to the event until you get the results you want.
You can change your thinking, your words, your vision, the way you see the world, your own self esteem, your actions. That is all you have any control over anyway.
If you remain controlled by past habits you are going to find it very difficult to change anything, you'll get stuck in conditioned responses. We are a bundle of conditioned reflexes, which are operated outside our control. To regain control, change your habits to positive habits.
Your thoughts, words and actions should become intentional, aligned with purpose, values and goals.
You need to also make a great change to how you react to situations in life.
It is a matter of attitude and behaviour that is able to create a completely different experience to what has gone before.
Everything you have experienced today is the result of choices you have made in the past.
You have control over only three things in your life:
YOUR Thoughts
YOUR Visions
YOUR Actions
How you use these three determines everything you experience.
Transform Excuses

When you find yourself making an excuse, take a good, careful
Look at that excuse. What if you could transform it into a
Powerful reason for stepping forward?

Whatever serves as an excuse for not taking action can
Instead serve as a compelling reason to go ahead and act. It
All depends on how you choose to see it.

Stop and listen to the excuses you make. You'll realize that
They're only excuses because you cast them as such.

The events and circumstances in your life are what they are.
What makes them meaningful to you is the way you choose to
See them and respond to them.

There are plenty of perfectly reasonable excuses for not
Moving forward, if you decide to view them as such. Yet it
Is just as realistic to see those same factors as reasons to
Take action without delay.

Whatever may be stopping you could be pushing you forward.
Are you ready now to achieve?

Ralph Marston
When you extend pure love to everyone
With selfless motivation that is an attitude of kindness.
When you send good wishes and pure feelings
To those who are in deep sorrow, that is an attitude of mercy.
When you see the virtues rather than the weaknesses in people
That is an attitude of compassion.
When you bless and uplift someone
Even as they defame you,
That is an attitude of forgiveness.
When you tolerate a situation and take responsibility
As well as give cooperation
Even when not appreciated,
That is an attitude of humility and self-respect.
Every second, every moment and every breath
Of your life is nurtured by attitude.
Have a wonderful day
Releasing the Tremendous Potential that lies within you.
Bright Blessings

Two Words

Day 8

There are two words that, when spoken,
have the most unfathomable power to
completely change your life.
Two words that,
when they pass your lips,
will be the cause of bringing absolute joy and happiness to you.
Two words that will create miracles in your life,
wipe out negativity,
and bring you abundance in all things.
Two words that,
when uttered and sincerely felt,
will summon all the forces in the
Universe to move all things for you.

There are just two words standing between you,
and the life of your dreams.

Are these two words really that powerful!
Think upon this...
Consider this, in all we are doing,
we are creating great change on the outside,
that is
already within us...
And when you even for one minute consider why you would say thank you to someone,
or expect a thank you from someone...
What was the original driving thoughts behind that...
For me, it comes completely from Gratitude.
So when we think of it as that, and the feelings,
Remember the feelings within us are what we are touching up on everyday in the journey...
And the feelings of gratitude from the words
Thank You
Whether given or received...
Truly is powerful.
So I ask you to consider today...
These two words...
Thank You.
What do they mean?
We often say them and hear them lightly...
But the original driving force/power/thought/etc behind them...
Is very powerful.
As we are learning to replace the negative thoughts and energies with Grateful ones..
Tthese two words are so very powerful for us.
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations.
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge.
Because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes.
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Bring Your Beauty To This Day
Give your goodness to this Life.

Now is filled with everything there is.
And it is more than you could ever imagine.

Experience the miracle of awareness.
Live and do and love and know,
just because you can.

From here, you can go anywhere.
Choose the direction that you know is yours.

To be here in this moment,
To be present in this place,
Is indeed a wonder of wonders.
The possibilities are all intensely real,
And you are even now bringing some of the best ones to life.

Quiet your thoughts, release your limitations,
And feel the pure energy of life.
Truly understand where you come from,
Who you are,
And the magnificent things you can do.
Then say Thank You for all of it.
Be nice and smile to everyone you meet.
You don't know what they are going through,
And they may need that smile,
And treasure it.
Have a wonderful day and say those two words often.
Thank You.
Bright Blessings


Day 7

"Happiness depends upon ourselves"

ARISTOTLE (384-322 BC)
No matter what we're doing or who we're with,
no matter our ups and our downs..
we all have them..
Happiness must come from within.
Allow your happiness to shine...
Through fun and joy, through tears and fears..
Feel it... at least during some parts your day...
Each day... it's right there...
The Path to True Happiness

What is the path to true happiness? How far must you go to
Find happiness?

You need not go very far at all. For happiness is always
Inside you, ready whenever you are.

No object, no person, no circumstance will make you happy.
You are always happy when you decide to be.

The good things in life do not cause happiness. It is
Precisely the other way around.

Allow happiness to flow out from you, and the good things in
Life will surround you and fill your world. Choose to be
Happy, with no conditions imposed upon that happiness, and
You'll create the ideal conditions for your life.

Happiness is a beautiful gift you can give yourself no
Matter what. Give it freely and it will change your world.

Ralph Marston
"When you're 'happy for no reason,'
you bring happiness to your everyday experiences
rather than try to extract happiness from them.
It's not that your life always looks perfect -
it's that however it looks,
you'll still be happy!"

Marci Shimoff
Have a wonderful day filled with Happiness
Bright Blessings

Moving Towards Magnificence

Day 6

No matter where you are, no matter how difficult things might appear to be,
you are always being moved towards magnificence.
Did you know there is endless fortune in your ability to choose what to do with each moment?
There is limitless fortune in your capacity to feel love, awe, compassion, gratitude and pure joy.
At one time or another it's likely you will feel that
Your life has hit a brick wall. You may feel there
Are no solutions to your problems and your life will
Never change for the better. This time may even
Be now.

During such times, you must look back and remember
The past obstacles you faced and
Conquered. Remind yourself of how you confronted
And overcame them. Those challenges seemed as
Difficult as the ones you may be facing now.

Use your memories to reassure yourself that
Things will change, that you will get through these
Hopeless feelings.

You did it before and you'll do it again, Relief is
Just around the corner.
Have a Wonderful Day filled with Magnificence
Bright Blessings

Friday, 30 January 2009

Happiness Through Excellence

Day 5

Look for the gifts in everything,
especially when you are facing
what appears to be a negative situation.
Everything that we attract causes us to grow,
which means that ultimately everything is
for our own good.
Adjusting to a new path and a new direction
will require new qualities and strengths,
and these qualities are always exactly what we need
to acquire in order to accomplish the
great things ahead in our life.
When you recognize that you are where you are -
in a situation, a job, or relationship etc.
Because of what happened,
And had it not happened that way..
Even though at the time it was so hard.
You would not be where you are today,
In a jobs, in relationship, etc.
So many things flow together..
And in the end, it is good for us.
It will require new qualities and new strengths.
Keep this mind as we go and grow this next year.
New strengths are already within us and just waiting to be used.
As we draw on these new qualities and strengths,
We grow.
"Look at the abundance all around you as you go about your daily business. You have as much right to this abundance as any other living creature. It's yours for the asking."
Earl Nightingale
This is such a beautiful quote taken from"The Strangest Secret". So often we take our surroundings for granted and do not give respect to its worth. We more frequently see the negative side of life and its situations, thinking of the bad things that happen to us rather than finding something good out of our experiences. Focusing on the negative things only brings more of the same into our lives.
By giving respect to the abundance surrounding us we draw that abundance towards ourselves, thereby enriching our lives. We would be doing ourselves a great favour to rather look for even the slightest bit of good in a situation. It might be like looking through a whole bucket of oisters just to find the one that has the pearl in it.
It is our right to possess abundance and we only need ask that it be ours, focusing on the good we wish to have, rather than only seeing the dark clouds that may be covering us. By recognizing abundance, giving thought to it, we take the first step toward bringing it into form in our lives. That we will receive it takes faith and a decision to accept it in the appropriate season.
Every seed has a gestation or incubation period. Ideas are spiritual seeds and will move into form or physical results. Your goals will manifest when the time is right. Know they will.
Happiness Through Excellence
"The ancient Greek definition of happiness
was the full use of your powers along lines of excellence."
John F. Kennedy
"We are what we repeatedly do.Excellence, then, is a habit."
The ancients understood the search for happiness. There is so much to begleaned from the ancient writings about how we should live and how we should behave, not just for the benefit of ourselves, but for the service of all humanity. Those who are and will be remembered for time immemorial are those who sought to operate in excellence.
Creating happiness through excellence goes beyond positive thought. Well,you might think that you have changed your thoughts but still not achieved the happiness you seek. Obviously there is another part of the process we need to consider.
First of all, do you really know what you want to bring you happiness? What are your deepest heartfelt desires? And, will they bring you happiness. It's not just what you think you can have;
think beyond that. And don't, like most people, start thinking about the things you don't want.
Remember that your mind will even respond to the negatives and give you these as well. And don't worry about HOW you are going to get what you want because then your desire will be reduced and the things you will think of will be small; think rather of WHAT you require to bring happiness and this will expand your thinking and your vision.
You will probably have had this suggestion made to you before, but I am going to make it again, for it is something that should be an ongoing process in our live, which relates to increase:
Make a list, which you can add to daily, of the things or circumstances you would like in your life to bring you happiness. Be as specific as possible about the things you put on the list. Describe things fully, envision them, even make a graphic image if what your require and keep it where you can see it often. Don't be too fussy to begin with about the order of things on your list. Once you have a number of things you can then start to prioritize and bring the main thing to thetop of the list. Then the MAIN THING is to keep the MAIN THING the MAINTHING! You only have one life to live, now that is, so give consideration to lifestyle, how you would like to be living that will bring you joy.
To give you some idea of what I'm getting at here, think about the man who drives a fancy sports car, like for instance a Ferrari or Maserati. You have probably been passed by one of these magnificent machines at some time and,looking at the driver, thought 'How does he get to drive one of those?' Or you have seen one parked on the street and peeped in through the windows thinking you can experience a little luxury while you can just by looking in. Well, let me tell you - looking IN is nothing, it's looking OUT that is everything. So in imagining the things you desire, imagine actually owning them and 'LOOKING OUT'.
In making this list give consideration to the fact that there are three motives for which you live: the body, mind and soul. You are a physical, mental and spiritual being and the balance of these faculties is what brings happiness. No one of these has supremacy over the other; when one has lack and another has abundance, you are out of balance and your happiness, if you experience any, will be fleeting. Neither body, mind nor soul can live fully if one of the others is cut short of full life expression. Lasting happiness will not ensue if you only live for the soul and deny the body and the mind. Likewise, to live only for the intellect and deny the physical and the spiritual side of life will also ultimately lead to an unhappy life.
The object of all life is increase and all living things have the inalienable right to all the increase or development it is capable of attaining. This is what all people, exerting the natural urge within them to find fuller expression, are seeking. Your development needs to be balanced in that of soul, mind and body. This is achieved by making use of physical things. For the acquisition of these things we need money - it's this worlds currency of exchange. Therefor the basis of your advancement must be to attain wealth. This is your birthright. Forget the idea that being rich is reprehensible or evil. That's absolutely untrue. That's a dogma spread by those who wish to suppress the masses and keep them impoverished and thus dependant upon those in control. The Powers of the Universe want you to have life, and to have it in abundance. You require the free and unrestricted useof whatever you feel may be necessary for your fullest physical, mental and spiritual development. To put it in a nut shell - You deserve to be rich.
The desire for increase is inherent in all nature; it is the fundamental impulse of the Universe. Every human action relies upon the desire forincrease. Every living thing is driven by this need for continuous growth. Where increase ceases, death begins.
There is an abundance of opportunity for the person who is prepared to flow with the tide. When you begin to do things in a certain way, the tidal harvest cannot miss you; you become a target for delivery of all good things that will ultimately bring happiness. True, money does not necessarily bring happiness, but it sure makes life a lot easier; it makes excellence achievable too.
Have a wonderful day filled with excellence.
Bright Blessings

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Change In Feelings

Day 4
The Universe is guiding you
and communicating with you
in every second of your life.
It is responding to your thoughts
and it is giving you invaluable feedback
through your feelings.
Your feelings are cosmic communications!
The good feelings mean, GOOD FOR YOU.
The bad feelings are getting your attention
so that you will
what you are focusing on.

Tune in to the cosmic communication
that is with you every day.
You are never alone, not for one second.
The Universe is right with you at every step,
guiding you.
But you have to listen!


Sometimes, this is hard to understand,
but remember you are allowing change,
you are wanting change in your life.
That is the difference you may have not had
a year ago..a month ago.
You want a difference in your life,
so continue to allow it to happen,
and think of these words
of the Daily Teachings with an open Mind,
a mind that is seeking a better life.
Small Steps To Big Change - Making Big Change Easier
When we decide that it’s time for big changes in our lives, it is wise to ease into them by starting small. Small changes allow us to grow into a new habit and make it a permanent part of our lives, where as sudden changes may cause a sense of failure that makes it difficult to go on, and we are more likely to revert to our old ways. Even if we have gone that route and find ourselves contemplating the choice to start over again, we can decide to take it slowly this time, and move forward.
Sometimes the goals we set for ourselves are merely indicators of the need for change and are useful in getting us moving in the right direction. But it is possible that once we try out what seemed so ideal, we may find that it doesn’t actually suit us, or make us feel the way we had hoped. By embarking on the path slowly, we have the chance to look around and consider other options as we learn and grow. We have time to examine the underlying values of the desire for change and find ways to manifest those feelings, whether it looks exactly like our initial goal or not. Taking small steps forward gives us time to adjust and find secure footing on our new path.
Life doesn’t always give us the opportunity to anticipate or prepare for a big change, and we may find ourselves overwhelmed by what is in front of us. By choosing one thing to work on at a time, we focus our attention on something manageable, and eventually we will look up to see that we have accomplished quite a bit. Forcing change is, in essence, a sign that we do not trust the universe’s wisdom. Instead, we can listen to our inner guidance and make changes at a pace that is right for us, ensuring that we do so in alignment with the rhythm of the universe.
For extra reading I am including
A Grateful Heart
Excerpt from the book
“It’s Not About The Money”
by Bob Proctor
Download HERE
Have a Beautiful Day filled with Love, Joy and Gratitude.
May you begin to feel positive change in your life.
Hugs and Bright Blessings

Sunday, 25 January 2009

An Inside Job

Day 3

Whatever feelings you have within you are attracting your tomorrow.
Worry attracts more worry.
Anxiety attracts more anxiety.
Unhappiness attracts more unhappiness.
Dissatisfaction attracts more dissatisfaction.
Joy attracts more joy.
Happiness attracts more happiness.
Peace attracts more peace.
Gratitude attracts more gratitude.
Kindness attracts more kindness.
Love attracts more LOVE.

Your job is an inside one.
To change your world,
all you have to do is change the way you feel inside.
How easy is that?
There is a Law of Gratitude, it is a part of the Law of Vibration and Attraction.
If you are to get the results you desire, it is imperative that you should observe this law.
The Law of Gratitude is the natural principle that action and reaction are always equal and in the opposite directions. The outreaching of your mind in an attitude of gratitude to The Source is a liberation or expenditure of energy; it is irrevocably destined to reach that to which it is addressed. As a result, The Source responds with an immediate movement towards you.
You are a progressive being, constantly changing and growing, with unlimited potential ready to be achieved at ever moment of your life. What you do with that potential is totally up to you. How you think and the actions you take will command your direction and achievements in life. Your progress is largely determined by your ruling mental state, the mind being the governing power in your entire life. Give attention to your predominant mental state, for it will regulate the action and direction of all your energies, faculties and powers, and ultimately determine your experiences and achievements.
Various mental attitudes you take towards things, events, and life in general, make up your ruling state of mind. If your attitudes are broad minded, optimistic and true to life, your predominant mental state will correspond to this way of thinking and show a progressive and constructive tendency. If your ruling mental state is positive, aspiring and harmonious, all your energies will be channeled into constructive avenues.
Mental attitudes are the result of ideas, which have their origins in your mental programming. Much of your programing may be of a negative nature, however, but it can be overcome by seeking and developing natural points of view, repeating these in thoughts, words and deeds until they become second nature. Believe more than what you see, rather than adhering to the adage of "Seeing is believing". The latter creates a minimalist world, where the former creates infinite potential.
So, in requiring change in your life, change that will bring progressive blessings of every kind, it's up to you. The first change is inside you - the way you think, the way you relate to things, and ultimately the attitudes you bare. You need to take responsibility for your own life, without passing the buck or looking for a scape goat when things don't seem to go your way. Negative ideas or paradigms can be overcome by progressively replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts, destructive actions with constructive actions, blinkered vision with infinite vision and imaginings. All these things will enhance your growth, enabling you to move progressively ahead to change your world
If you have Incredimail and would like to receive one of my letters, entitled
"Be Aware of Your Thinking"
you may download it
Have a Beautiful Day filled with Love, Joy and Gratitude.
Hugs and Bright Blessings


Day 2...

To change your life fast, use the gratitude to shift your energy.
When you put all of your energy into gratitude,
you will see miracles take place in your life.
To change things quickly,
commit to writing 100 things each day, until you see the change.
And FEEL the gratitude. Your power is in the FEELING that
you put into the words of gratit
Dr. Joe Vitale says in The Secret by Rhonda Byrne ...
"Thoughts are sending out that magnetic signal that is drawing the parallel back to you".
Here is another quote from the book from Charles Hannel
"The predominant thought or the mental attitude is the magnet, and the law is that like
attracts like, consequently, the mental attitude will in variably attract such conditions as
correspond to its nature"
Every thought you send out to the Universe, attracts everything out there that is on the same level. What you send out comes right back to you, as you are the source of that thought.
So why not think good positive thoughts, and shift your negative thoughts as often
as you can. Doing this is not instant, you have to rethink it, almost everyday,
in every situation, for the human tendency is to think in the negative;
When you think in the negative that is what you open yourself up for.
Give it a try for this time, to shift all thoughts to only positive ones, in every situation. Don't react out of fear and what you don't want, but react rather out of joy for what you do want, in every situation.
I want to share with you an excerpt from
"The Law of Achievemnet" by Kathleen Gage and Lori Gio vannoni.
"A greateful heart cannot be a hateful heart."
"We achieve our highest level of potential when we live in a state of gratitude.
As you move through the day, do your eyes see the best of things, grateful for the beauty of the day and the possibilities it holds? Or have your eyes become accostomed to seeing what is missing, searching for disappointment and evidence of lack?
At times it takes extreme effort to have the experience of gratitude. At other times it is not difficult at all. The paradox of gratitude is the more you express and live in gratitude the more you see what you have to be grateful for.
It is easy to be grateful and joyful when we have all we believe we deserve. It is in times of lack, pain, sorrow and loss that we are truly tested in our ability to be grateful.
Gratitude is an exercise of focus:
Focus on your acheivements, rather than your failures.
Focus on what is working, rather than what is not.
Focus on what you have, rather than what you don't.
Focus on your heart, rather than on your head."
It is essential that gratitude should come from the heart, rather than the head.
This is an attitude of gratitude. You have most likey come across the expression, " Attitude is everything". It is a good maxim to include in gratutude. When in an attitude of gratitude we are inextricably linked to and in perfect unity with The Source of all things, the Universe or God.
Thinking about the things you are greatful for is great, but bringing the thoughts from the heart is far better. When the gratitude comes from our very soul, laced with feelings, emotions and reasoning, it reinforces the unity with The Source and a soul that is always grateful lives continually in close touch with The Source. If you beleive that there is one intelligent substance from which all things, good or bad, proceed, and you have faith that this substance gives you what every it is you desire, it makes it so much easier to relate yourself to this substance through a feeling of deep and profound gratitude; though an attitude of gratitude.
The nearer you live to The Source, the more you shall receive. Gratitude alone can keep you looking toward The Source and prevent you from falling into the error of thinking that your supply of blessings in limited. You blessings are infinite!
For more reading I am sharing with you Chapter 7 from Bob Proctor's course,
"It's Not about the Money".
Download Here
Wishing You A Beautiful Day
Warm Hugs and Bright Blessings