Sunday, 9 October 2011

Joy, Our Natural State

Day 100
Our natural state is joy and you know that,

because when you are in the opposite state you feel bad.

So if joy is what you truly are,

can you see that it take much more energy

for you to generate negativity

than it does to be naturally joyful?



Day 99


You are never alone in anything you do,

unless you think you are alone,

which is a scary thought for anyone.

When you know that you have the power of the Universe

responding to your every thought,

waiting and ready to help you accomplish anything,

then your fear will disappear.

You have the greatest ally that has access to all energy everywhere.

Nothing can stand in its way --

and all you have to do for you

Universal partner is believe.



Day 98


"Everything has it's origin in the mind, and that which you seek
outwardly , you already possess. No one can think a thought in
the future. Your thoughts of a thing constitutes its origin."

Your Invisible Power


Sunday, 2 October 2011

I Got A Feeling

Day 97
Always remember that your feelings

are monitoring your thoughts for you.

Your feelings are telling you whether you are thinking thoughts

that are good for you or thoughts that are not good for you.

If you can become more and more conscious

of how you are feeling,

then you will be come more and more aware of

what kind of thoughts you are thinking.

Your feelings are unceasingly telegraphing messages to you.

Listen to your own being!


I Got A Feeling!

How do you feel today? That’s exactly the way you can feel if that’s what you want. Are you frustrated, angry, upset, or discouraged? If that’s the case you are likely to find plenty of excuses for feeling such negative emotions today. Rather than control you, your feelings assist in your understanding of yourself and help your relationship with those around you. They bring you joy, and can also cause you pain. They may give you a powerful reason to act, but they cannot cause you to take action without your personal sanction.

Hold on to your right to the freedom to feel, think and act, keeping in mind that a particular feeling does not require a precise action. Wouldn’t you rather feel happy, alive, passionate, enthusiastic, and empowered? If so, there’ll be opportunities to feel good approaching you as you go through the day.

The amazing thing is that you are never a hostage of your situation with respect to your feelings. No matter what your circumstance, your feelings are a choice. Don’t blame your feelings for your actions. If you choose misery, don’t blame your feelings for the terrible day you have. That’s your choice, but what an opportunity you’re missing out on to experience the best today has to offer.

Instead of wallowing in misery, take responsibility for the way you feel and direct those feelings in a positive, empowering direction and have a fantastic, value-filled day. Give thanks for your feelings; they complete you as a resolute character.

--- NOW ---

Feel fantastic and cram your day with

significance, appreciation and life!

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Still Your Mind

Day 96

To still your mind,
sit down each day,

close your eyes, and just watch your thoughts.

Don't resist the thoughts,

but just watch them come into your mind.

As you watch each thought, it will disappear.

Practice this each day

and you will get better and better.

You will find your mind will be without thoughts

for five seconds, and then ten seconds,

and then twenty seconds.

When you can command your mind to be still

and have it obey your command,

just imagine the power you will have

to create what you want.


"When you lose touch with inner stillness,
you lose touch with yourself.
When you lose touch with yourself,
you lose yourself in the world"

Eckhart Tolle ~ Stillness Speaks

"When you recognise that there is a voice in your head that pretends to be you and never stops speaking, you are awakening out of your unconscious identification with the stream of thinking. When you notice that voice, you realise you are not the voice, the thinker, but the one who is aware of it. Knowing yourself as the awareness behind the voice is freedom."

Eckhart Tolle

Monday, 26 September 2011

Your Life is In Your Hands

Day 95

Your life is in your hands,

but you must learn to gain control of your thoughts.

All of your problems of fear, failure, and doubts

are because your MIND is ruling you.

Your mind has taken over and your are the slave and victim of

your uncontrolled negative thoughts.

It is as simple as that.

Take control of your mind and your thoughts.

Every day, bit by bit, watch your thoughts.

When a negative thought comes, stamp it out,

and refuse to allow a negative thought to take root in you

by thinking of something good instead.

Think more and more and more good thoughts,

and soon they will come automatically.

The Proof Behind Positive Thinking

There is much debate as to whether positive thinking works. You can think yourself a most positive person, but behind the scenes the doubts and fears creep in and short circuit your view of the way things really are. The solution is to squash any doubt or fear that might raise its head, change the way you look at things and hold on to your dreams and visions with an utra-positive mind.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Dr Wayne Dyer

If you walk through life blinded by fear, when you come upon a rock across your path you are going to stumble, but if you just open your eyes and view the rock in a different light you might find it is a step up to a higher plane in your walk through life.

We have all heard many stories and incidents about the power of thinking, but do we have any hard evidence to prove that thoughts have potential power to manifest in physical reality? There are in fact two branches of science that explain the workings of positive thought: Noetic Science and Quantum Physics.

Noetic science is a branch of metaphysics, also refered to as the power of inner knowing, which emerged with a ray of hope and substantial proof of how our mind interacts with physical world and the change of occurrence of any incident.

Noetic science talks about the power of human thoughts affecting the real world. Although our thoughts may be seen as a simple logical process, according to noetic theory, thoughts have weights, and therefore they consist of matter and energy. Since every weighted material on earth is affected by gravitational force, thoughts are also attracted by gravitation. The resultant theory is that a thought will attract the subject of the thought toward the thinker, whether the thought is positive or negative.

How, then, are quantum physics and positive thought related? Quantum physics is a branch of science that studies the physical properties and behaviours of small particles. The theory goes that everything is made up of atoms, which are made of particles, including minute particles called quanta. Quanta are described as energy vibrating at a particular frequency. They are found to gravitate towards and congregate with other quanta vibrating at the same frequency. At a subatomic level, the particles that form matter are not standing still but they are vibrating, translates as "everything is energy in motion".

So according to quantum physics, even thoughts are energy in motion. The thoughts we choose to entertain vibrate at a particular frequency. The frequency of vibration gravitates the thought towards elements that vibrate at the same frequency. In other words, ‘like attracts like’. This phenomenon is also known as the Law of Attraction.

Quantum physics and positive thinking work hand in hand with one another and we can use both to our benefit by choosing to think positive thoughts, which create a positive feeling within our cores. The result of these thoughts is that particles within us will then vibrate at a certain frequency and we will begin to draw into our lives things, people and events whose particles are vibrating at the same positive frequency.

Although there is no scientific way to check that a certain type of thought directly creates our reality, the connection between our thoughts and our reality cannot be measured, and the manifestation of our thoughts may be delayed, there is no denying that energy moving at a certain frequency attracts other energy moving at the same frequency. Some people believe in ‘luck’ or ‘coincidence ’, where certain things occurred due to a multitude of factors, which may or may not include thought, but the belief that the Universe works according to the Law of Attraction makes much more sense.

From personal experience, like attracts like and positive thoughts attract positive events. Your life is in your hands if you can learn to control your thoughts and produce only positivity in your mind. The choice is your. It all comes down to the type of thoughts you choose to have.

"You are today where your thoughts have brought you;

you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you."

James Allen

The following video shares a scientific approach to explaining the power of thought. We have all heard it before, "Your thoughts create your reality." Well, new quantum physics studies support this idea. Learn about recent research about how the mind can influence the behaviour of subatomic particles and physical matter.

Get Thinking - Think Positive!

There's no such thing as 'chance'!

Have a wonderful day....

Monday, 19 September 2011

Fair Exchange

Day 94


Incorporating the rule of fair exchange in your life is living the law of attraction.

Be sure that you always give fair exchange in business and in your personal life. In business always give more value than the money you receive. In your personal life, always give back what you have received. If you have received support from others at a time when you needed it, and then someone asks for your support, be sure to give back the support you have received. All support comes to you through the Universe, and so when you give support back you are giving back to the Universe.

This is living according to the rule of fair exchange, and it is living the law of attraction.


Giving and Receiving


Even though it may not be a visible entity, there is a balance in giving and receiving that works hand in hand with our every action in life. It is part of the invisible energy that surrounds us.

There is greater value in giving than there is receiving, and once we have received, the energy involved is made even larger and of greater value if we then give back to the giver.

"Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value."

Albert Einstein

There is always the opportunity to give a little bit more, no matter what your situation. By giving, you greatly improve the value created in that situation. If you have already invested time and effort in something, consider giving that little bit more: your giving adds to the momentum that’s already there. A little extra effort will go a long, long way. Giving a little bit more gives even more value to the effort you have already made and creates greater value from the combined effort.

There are plenty of opportunities to give a little bit more. By doing so, you can easily distinguish yourself and set yourself apart from the crowd. Make the most of the momentum you have already established by extending the momentum as long as you can. Once you’re on a roll, give a little more, and keep your efforts rolling strong.

"Give a little kindness, and receive friendship in return.
Give an extra effort, and receive even more value in return.
Give an honest answer, and receive trust in return.
Give a smile, and receive joy in return.
Give with real meaning, and receive fulfillment in return.
Give thanks, and receive true abundance in return.
Give your full attention, and receive a positive experience in return.
Give your knowledge, and learn something in return.
Give what you treasure most, and receive much more of it in return.
Give what you can, and receive the best of who you are.
Give of yourself. And receive a life of richness in return."
Ralph Marston

Receive Abundance

The way to receive life’s abundance is to express it, to do something creative and useful with it. There is always something valuable that you can create with your time, your thoughts and actions. In every moment, in every situation, there is something you can do to express life’s abundance.

Whatever you’re able to create may not be something you particularly desire or require, but that’s allright, because there are other people who may wish to have it, and who will show you gratitude and even happily pay you for it with something else of value to you. In ways that are familiar and in ways that haven’t yet been imagined, you can create value. With gratitude in your heart, and a desire to give meaning to life, you can create value and abundance in life.

You are surrounded by a sea of abundance from which to draw what ever you may require. You are alive, effective and aware, in a universe that’s overflowing with possibilities. Through your own perspective, unique only to you, you can transform that latent, formless abundance into something of tangible value.

That is how wealth is created, and there is no limit to how much of it you can make manifest in your life and the lives of others. Remember, if you give a little, it is returned to you in a greater abundance.


Day 93
Use the power of the Universe by intending before every car trip
that the traffic will flow effortlessly, that you will be relaxed and
happy, and that you will arrive in perfect time.

Happy Driving!


Traveling Can Be a Nightmare - Or It Can Be a Dream.

I'm not the best traveler at the best of times, but I've learned how to make it a pleasure.

Three weeks ago my husband and I were preparing for a visit with some friends of ours on the Ilse of Mann. I was excited about the visit but aprehensive about the trip, which entailed more than driving; it also included taking a ferry from Liverpool across to the island in the middle of the Irish Sea. It's not that I'm a bad seafarer - I have pretty good sealegs, having done a bit of sailing in my time - rather that the crossing was to be at night and the weather was overcast; I'm a hopeless traveler if I can't see where I am going.

On the morning before we were to embark upon our adventure - visiting the IOM is always an adventure - I started my day with a leisurely bath. Relaxing in hot, perfumed bubbles always helps me to think. I made up my mind I was going to concentrate on having a wonderful time.

"You give birth to that on which you fix your mind."

Antoine de Saint Exupery

As I prepared and packed for our trip, I kept my mind on what we would see on the way over to the island: the Liverbirds welcoming visitors to Liverpool, the Mannanan (ferry) coming up the Mersey to meet us, the muddy Mersey river flowing out to sea, the wind farms on the sand banks off the Wales coast up towards Anglesey, the man-statues on the beach north of Liverpool as you pass down the Mersey channel before heading out to sea toward Douglas.

As it turned out we were sailing on the incoming tide and it was quite dark when the ferry came up the river to berth. When we left the Mersey, once the lights of the Wirral were past, there wasn't much more visible except for the lonely buoys marking the channel, or the odd passing fishing or cargo vessel or lighted gas platform, until the lights of Douglas came on the horizon, at which stage I became even more excited than I already was. We were almost there when I realised I had not been even vaguely anxious since I left home - and I wasn't going to start when our destination was so close.

It just goes to show that what you set your mind upon manifests itself in reality. It's also worth spending a little time calming the spirit before a potentially anxious event. It works for me!


Thursday, 25 August 2011

Thoughts and Feelings


Day 92

It is important to remember that

it is your thoughts and feelings together

that create with the law of attraction,

and you cannot separate them.

Also remember that it's your feelings that

are summing up your overall frequency

and telling you what you are creating

in this moment.

So how are you feeling right now?

Could you feel better?

Well then, do what it takes right now

to feel better.


"Don't wish that life was easier -

Wish that you were better...!"

Jim Rohn


Our Thoughts


Day 91


"Except our own thoughts, there is nothing
absolutely in our power."

Rene DesCartes (1596-1650)


Stop Negative Thoughts


Day 90

Here is a way to stop negative thoughts:

Focus your mind on your heart.

Breathe deeply, keeping your focus on your heart.

Really concentrate on feeling love in your heart.

Repeat this a total of seven times.

When you do this correctly,

you will feel a very big difference

in your mind and your whole body.

You will feel more peaceful, you will feel lighter,

and you will have stopped those negative thoughts.


“When we are unable to find tranquillity within ourselves,

it is useless to seek it elsewhere.”

--- Francois de la Rochefoucauld


Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Positive Thinking or Complaining?

Day 89


Negative thoughts are not who you are.

Your true nature is all good.

So if by chance a negative thought comes,

say to yourself,

"These thoughts are not mine, they do not belong to me.

I am all good and I have only good thoughts for myself and everyone."

Now you are speaking truth!


The Power of Positive Thinking


The Culture of Complaining

Success is likely to elude you if you don't cast the habit of complaining out of your orbit.

Many people grow up in a culture where it's shameful to be happy, different, positive or successful. If they are happy, people think there's something wrong with them. The defence mechanism these withered souls use is - COMPLAINING!

You know the ones I mean. They complain about the weather, about their children not being as advanced or as clever as the children next door. They complain about their health, their income - or lack there of - or about their boss or their car. Have you ever noticed that they never think they are to blame for their situation; it's always someone or something else to blame and 'Pass the Buck' is the name of the game.

Complaining is not a habit, it's a disease. It's also contagious, so avoid these people like the plague if you want to become or stay positive. It's a disease that knows no boundaries of culture, class or creed; if you catch it it's hard to cure.

“It seems to me that a degree of this criticism stems from a culture, which is nowadays too often concerned with complaining – the culture not of freedom linked with responsibility, but of everyone demanding their ‘rights’, whatever they may be, and blaming others when things go wrong.”
Prince Charles

He's so spot on, it's sad! It explains the mindset of the person who is little likely to succeed in life and goes about making himself miserable. To make it worse, he's not satisfied until everyone else about him is miserable too. How can people even survive in a complaining culture? Not very well.

I heard on the news today that the Health and Safety 'Police' want to stop dodgem-cars from bumping each other and children taking part in sack races.... What the Dickens is that for? So they can make sure everyone is as miserable as they are. Don't laugh - they could be after you next.

So, how hard is it to cure this complaining disease? Very difficult, but it's a challenge if you're up for it. It IS possible.

If you have made the decision to take up the challenge of living life to the fullest, then there is no room for complaining. You absolutely have to switch to positive thinking. In order to switch your mindset to a positive state, hard work, dedication and new paradigms are required. Don't be daunted by this though, and don''t expect a change to occur miraculously in the blink of an eye. Life doesn't work like that.

Have you noticed that when you worry about something happening to you, it's bound to happen? Negative thoughts manifest when you least want them to. Being afraid of bad things happening causes you to dwell on them, but please DON'T do this. Think rather of the good things you want to happen, of things that will make you happy and bring satisfaction into your life - and that's not making someone else miserable...

Changing your thoughts to happy, positive thoughts will make such a difference, more than you would ever think possible. It might be hard to learn to think positively, but give it a try. Spend 5 minutes every day thinking positive thoughts for three weeks and see what a change it makes in your life. By then it should have become a habit and you'll be doing it without thinking about it...

And remember, what you put into life comes back to you multiplied. If you spread the positivity around you, it gets bigger and bigger. Oh happy day! If you want good things coming your way in a flood, make a conscious decision to think positively and all those good things will be attracted to you.



is contagious too!


Thursday, 18 August 2011

Problem or Solution

Day 88

When you focus with someone on a problem they are having, you are not helping them or you, because you are both adding energy to the problem. You are also both attracting more "like" problems to you.

Knowing this, it's very import for you and the other person to focus on what you both want. The person with the problem should be encouraged to speak about what they want instead of about the problem, which is what they don't want.

The problem arose in the first place from the person thinking or talking about what they don't want, so the chain of reaction must stop. Help those close to you by encouraging them to speak the works of what they want.

That is always the solution.


Problem to Potential.....Concern to Conflagration

Every problem is simply potential raising its hand to get your attention!
Some years ago I had a friend who was always inundated with problems. Whenever I saw her she had another chapter of problems to add to the tome she had previously related, until one day it just got too much. I had tried again and again to help her find solutions, but realised that she had no intention of seeking solutions; she was actually enjoying wallowing in the obstructions life delivered her way.

"Sometimes we exhaust ourselves trying to solve someone else's problem. Are we not playing the role of God? We can be sympathetic & supportive but does our Ego think we know it all by having all the answers for everyone else?"

Annie Ashdown

I must sound like the most terrible friend to say that I abandoned her, nevertheless I had my own challenges to face, hills in comparison to her mountains, but I had no intention of permitting her to drag me down with her and make my little knolls into a mountain range like her avalanche of adversity.

My friend’s greatest problem was that she was unable to see what an amazing being she actually was. She had no idea what her participation in the world, in her country, community, friends or family, should be let alone what she had to contribute to herself. Blaming the adversity she had endured, she simply abandoned herself. True, she had been through a very difficult time in life, through which her self-esteem had been knocked from here to Timbuktu, but she thought herself as nothing but a tiny insignificant cog in the turnings of the great mill-wheel in the spinning circle of time. I knew that until she could appreciate herself as special, a wonderful creation with awesome potential, I had no chance of helping her find solutions to her dilemmas.

You see, the reality of life is that none of us are just little people with concerns or problems to face; every one of us is an incredible creation with a contribution to make to the world. No matter how small that role, it’s extremely important that we make it. If we hold back too long, it will go with us to the grave. I don’t remember where I got the idea, but every time I go past a graveyard I think of the wealth of untapped potential that lies six feet beneath its surface, wasted for eternity.

Taking the view that obstacles in life are insurmountable, and therefore to be surrendered to, is a total cop-out. We make a tremendous contribution to our intended role in life when we get up and fight, seeing problems as challenges or stepping stones, rather than pitfalls. If we persist in viewing problems as pitfalls, we give energy to the problems, which then increase. How we choose to perceive ourselves has a powerful ability to generate our reality. If we choose to see ourselves as nonentities with plenty of unresolved concerns or problems, then we manifest as just that – as insignificant beings that are firmly stuck in a rut. However, if we see ourselves rather as personalities, each with the most amazing and unique potential, we lift ourselves up and climb out of the rut.

"To see your truest nature is to recognize that you have a capacity for goodness far greater than you ever dreamed, with all the awesome responsibility that entails."

Martha Beck

Likewise, how we perceive others makes a difference to their lives as well. If we view a person as insignificant, we deliver a sense of worthlessness into their existence, a negative energy, lowering their self-worth and self-esteem, but by being aware of and acknowledging their amazing potential, we are able to elevate them out of worthlessness to a higher sense of worth simply by the nature of our positive association with them.

One thing I have noticed though is that having resolved a problem once, twice, perhaps even three times, doesn’t seem to stop it raising its ugly head again. Perhaps that indicates that there was no resolution to begin with, but looking at it from an energy perspective, there may be a number of other reasons for this.

Problems seem to seek out people who show empathy toward another suffering such a problem. A person may pick up the energy of another’s pain, not being able to distinguish it from their own, and before the person knows it, the problem attaches itself to them. Often such people are amazing beings with extraordinary abilities, and once they can get past their sense of empathy, they are able to transform this empathy into an inherent ability to see the solution to another person’s pain.

To give you an example of this, the media and politicians keep talking about recession, going on and on about there being insufficient money to drive the economy. This leads businesses to believe the public has no money to spend, which results in the gullible public spending less money for fear their finances will run out. Where does this scenario end? In global recession. However, there are those who choose not to join the recession, of which I am one. I refuse to believe that the world is running out of resources; we just have to find other ways of releasing and utilising our resources, or find other resources, for that matter.

To say that there is a recession and the world’s wealth is depleted is nonsense; it’s more a case of the avaricious and affluent minority sitting on their wealth and the powers that be misdirecting their minions and misusing resources. Please, don’t believe these rumourmongers. There is a magnitude of wealth lying dormant in each and every one of us waiting to be recognised and released.

Another scenario may be that the problem needs to resurface for the person to learn a lesson in life, the import of which has not yet been achieved. If the person with the difficulty is always focusing on the problem, he is most likely missing the import of the situation. Without recognising the opportunities and possibilities the problem offers, the problem’s potential is evaded. However, once the potential opportunities and possibilities are acknowledged, the problem invariably recedes and takes its leave for good.

I’m quite sure most readers will relate to this picture, but let me enlarge on it. A child is forever being told it ‘can’t’ do this or that, is no good at things and is bullied by its peers and belittled by its parents or other authoritarian figures. It grows up to be a shy, reticent character until some kind soul finally sees their worth and encourages the disparaged individual. It is pointed out that the ‘nay-sayers’ who have so belittled them had no right to pass judgement, especially as they had not made a great success of their own lives. With only a little encouragement the censured child flourishes into an amazing adult, and like a butterfly immerging from its chrysalis, takes off and flies.

The third thing to consider is our emotive inward withdrawal when faced with a problem as opposed to permitting ourselves full expression of our emotional energy to lift us to a higher potential. There’s nothing wrong with getting angry if it leads us to a solution of the situation; there’s also nothing out of place if we experience fear, which could enable us to see the situation from another perspective, that of a challenge, rather than a problem. Once this emotional energy is released to flow unhindered by our own inhibitions the true nature of the problem becomes clearer, revealing its possibilities, opening up the opportunity for solution.

Every adversity encountered in life carries with it a seed of equivalent or greater benefit. Every problem has a solution, but it's up to you to find it! Close the door of your mind on all the failures and negative situations of your past so your mind can operate in a Positive Mental Attitude, which will enable you to have the clarity necessary to see through the mists of doubt and despondency and discover the solution to every challenge. Closing the door on failure allows you to focus on potential and possibilities. Allowing failure to inhabit your mind attracts more failure.

When you can say,

“I don’t accept or believe in failure and defeat,”

and truly mean it, you will learn the lesson that there is no such thing as failure or defeat, unless you allow them to become real. If you can look at problems as temporary setbacks and stepping-stones to success, you will come to believe that the only limitations you have are the ones in your own mind. Remember, every defeat, every disappointment and every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. Life will challenge you; that is its nature. Your character will be brought into being by how you respond to a challenge.

Looked at from an external point of view, concerns and problems are virtual; they aren’t real. They are nothing but society’s interpretation of an unacceptable situation charged with negative energy. The more focus we give such a circumstance, the more energy it harnesses and greater it appears to become. However, if a person chooses to be more emotionally responsible and the attention given is toward resolution, the more empowering the energy it carries and the bearer of such concerns becomes more liberated and fulfilled. Taking emotional responsibility for our failings is like the match that lights the fire, taking us from concern to conflagration.

Every human being has the potential to create a conflagration in their life, burning away the dross of problems and concerns. We are all magnificent from the inside out. We simply need to stop and see ourselves are we really are, not as nonentities, but as special human beings with great potential, each with a gift – or many gifts – to offer to the world. In the last century, humans have come a long way to realising their extraordinary potential, but there is always more latent ability waiting to be released. We are no longer children wandering in a wilderness of ‘nay-sayers’; we are empowered adults on an evolutionary shift ready to ignite a conflagration of excellence.


I'd like to share with you a video by Katie Frieling, a young entrepreneur on a path of personal growth, awakening and living a life of passion and purpose. Her mission is to make sure other people 'wake up' and make a difference through conscious entrepreneurship.

Thanks you Katie!


That's it folks!

Time to 'wake up' and light a conflagration of excellence...

Paradise Within You

Day 87


You can turn your life into paradise, but the only way you can do it is to make the inside of you a paradise. There is no other way. You are the cause; your life is the effect.


Living in Harmony with The Law

Day 86


The law of attractions if infallible, and every single person is getting what they are asking for, even though most of the time each person is not aware that they are asking for what they don't want. There is such absolute beauty in the law, which is so responsive and giving in every single moment so that we can experience our lives.
The law never changes --
we must learn how to live in harmony with the law. That is the greatest task of every single human being.


A Ray of Sunshine

Day 85


Write down all the great things about everyone you know.
Make a huge list of all the wonderful thing about you.
Compliment people wherever you go.
Praise every single thing you see.
Be a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet,
and make their day better for having seen you.
Say "Thank you" at every turn.
Walk, talk, think, and breathe appreciation and gratitude.
When you do this,
your outer life will change
to reflect your inner state of being.


Friday, 12 August 2011

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

Day 84


"In every word you use, there is a power germ which expands
and projects itself in the direction your word indicates, and
ultimately develops into physical expression. For example, you
wish the consciousness of joy. Repeat the word 'joy' secretly,
persistently, and emphatically. The repetition of the word 'joy'
sets up a quality of vibration which causes the joy germ to begin
to expand and project itself until your whole being is filled with joy.
This is not a mere fancy, but a truth."

Your Invisible Power


Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

Have you ever wondered why people who are always gloomy, grumbling about everything in their lives, seem to get gloomier by the day, and yet those who are always happy and cheerful just get happier? These cheerful souls spread a cloud of exuberance all around them, touching all the people they meet. Love them or hate them, it’s all up to you. I say, “Give thanks for the happy soul,” because when you are grateful, you can’t moan simultaneously. Everything that irritates us about others leads us to a better understanding of ourselves.

Life may not be the party we expect it to be but while we are here we may as well make the most of it and enjoy ourselves. Moping gets us nowhere except into a deeper despair, so why not join the party and sing and dance as though no one is watching, no one is judging and certainly no one can miss the rainbow we’re riding. Nobody wants to live in pain unless they are a miserable example of humanity, and who wants to be that anyway? Most people aspire to be happy, but it’s said that you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain with synchronized sunshine sparkling through it. So be prepared to shine.

Have you ever got into a lift where everyone in it is standing facing the doors, looking blank and empty until you get in, facing them all ... and grin, or walked down the road among exhausted evening commuters going home and held a smile upon your face for all to see? What’s their response? I love observing people this way. Try it some time; it will make your day, and theirs too with a little bit of luck. Smile, it’s the key that fits the lock to everybody’s heart and a day without laughter is a day wasted. Happiness can never be decreased by sharing it, it can only be augmented.

The purpose of our lives is to be happy. Happiness ensues when the mind is thinking through the heart. There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart. Those are the things that you need to pursue.

You might see things happening in life, things that are sad, or bad, or just plain mad and you ask, “Why?” Wouldn’t the better way be to imagine things the way you’d like them to be and exclaim, “Why NOT!” You might think that an outlook on life of this sort, such optimism, is a mere fiction, but hey, the difference between fiction and reality is that reality can be chaos, but fiction has to make sense. Shoot for the moon; even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.

Happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. Your whole life is a product of your thoughts; what you think, you become. So why not think happy thoughts and speak happy words so your life can be a happy existence? It is your own mind, not the minds of others, which lures you away from the contentment that is your due in life.

“There are only two ways to live your life;

one is as though nothing is a miracle,

the other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Albert Einstein

Be the miracle you want to see in the world. Life is like a mirror; it gives back what you put into it. It never gives more or less, only what you give, and in the end, it’s not the years you have given to this life that count, but the LIFE you have put into the years.

Now - to brighten your day here's something to help you look on the bright side of life. It's a video, not of my making. Some of the shots are a bit shocking and although I don't mean to offend anyone, hey! Look on the bright side and SMILE!

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

I Am Joy

Day 83
Whenever you remember, at any time of the day, say
Say it hundreds of times a day if you like.
Say it often, but say it very very slowly, giving equal emphasis to each word,
I -- AM -- JOY.
Feel the meaning of the words as you slowly say them, and experience as much of a feeling of joy within you as you can.
Build on that feeling every single day. You will get better and better at it.
Feel that joy inside you more than you react to outside circumstances, and you will change the outside circumstances.

Joy attracts joy.


“This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.”
George Bernard Shaw


“The joy that comes from little victories is preferable to the fun that comes from ease and the pursuit of pleasure.”
Lawana Blackwell