Friday, 5 November 2010

Effective Affirmations

Day 82
The effective use of affirmations
depends entirely on how much
you believe them when you say them.
If there is no belief,
then the affirmation is just words
that have no power.
Belief adds power to your words.
When you believe what you say,
you just created it,
no matter what it is.
What Are You Telling Yourself?
Has it ever occurred to you that you are the number one person you communicate with on a daily basis? Our internal dialogue characterizes how we view the world and influence every part of our lives - our attitudes, values, behaviour, achievements, relationships, reactions to challenges and ultimately our degree of happiness.
If this internal dialogue focuses on fears, faults, errors, failings, insecurities or other negative things, it will be literally impossible to experience self-appreciation and propel your life forward. Furthermore, negative thinking can have a detrimental effect on your health and overall quality of life.
If on the other hand your self-talk focuses on your strengths, blessings, successes, opportunities and other positive thoughts, your self-appreciation increases.Your ability to overcome obstacles will be enhanced and your life will become more pleasurable, and gratifying.
The good news is that it's possible to control what you think about. Replace any negative thought with a more positive and productive affirmation; doing this repeatedly will make all the difference. Like anything else, it takes time and practice, but you'll find it gets easier with time and the more you practice this affirmation process.
"When reciting affirmations, feel the words in your heart as you say them and know that what you feel you'll create."
--- Peggy McColl
Becoming aware of your internal dialogue is the first step to changing it. Listen to what you tell yourself. Are you being negative or positive in your thoughts? Do your thoughts uplift you or criticize you? The average person talks to himself about 50,000 times a day, mostly about himself and about 80% of that self-talk is negative.
You are the most ardent defender of your limitations. Have you ever taken note of how many time you say to yourself in a day, "I can't do that"? Well, you are incapable because you have chosen to be, yet there is no need to continue to hold yourself back. There is a powerful force inside you that desires to be something more, an aspiration to grow, learn and experience the fullness of life.
"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours."
--- Richard Bach
According to Dr. Martin Seligman, everyone exhibits a certain "explanatory style", which is critical in determining whether a person is principally positive or negative in character. Your explanatory style is defined as 'how you explain things to yourself'. If you interpret things in a positive manner, you will be primarily positive; if you explain them in a negative way, you will be negative. Optimistic people explain a tragedy as a temporary, specific situation, rather than an extended, general condition. They focus on the future and dismiss temporary, frustrating and unfortunate occurrences, keeping their minds positive, confident and optimistic.
When your self-talk becomes negative, take a few minutes to analyze the underlying causes of your negative thinking. Consider the aspect of the limitation you have put upon yourself. What is it that you think you can't do, or become, or acquire? The fact is, you can, when you're able to transcend your own limiting self talk. Your very own negative energy is working against your true possibilities. Your limitations are powerful, but they are not as powerful as your amazing possibilities.
You can stop the flow of your thought process by literally telling yourself to "Stop it!" Actually saying this aloud is so powerful as it will make you more aware of the frequency and circumstances of these negative dialogues going on inside your mind.
I'd like to encourage you to start being aware of your self-talk. Be aware that these thoughts have a powerful effect on your attitudes, physiology, motivation and behaviour. Determine which conversations are helpful and which ones are harmful.
Take control over your thoughts and you will watch your life blossom before your eyes. Talk to yourself like a winner. Silence your thoughts of lack and limitation and replace them with thoughts of abundance and unlimited possibilities. Replace your victim language with language of empowerment.
"You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you."
--- James Allen
Transform your inner critic, who is set to pick on everything you do, into a supportive coach who gives you confidence, encouraging you to face the risks before you. It takes awareness, focus and attention to turn your thoughts around. Challenge any negative thought that may arise and replace it with positive affirmations.
We all make mistakes in life. We all face challenges. We all experience failures. We all have unfortunate occurrences. The key is to learn from every experience and to use self-imposed control to stop thinking about the negative side any circumstance we might experience.All the things you've achieved so far, are what you've allowed yourself to achieve. Imagine what great things could happen if you would stop fighting against your own possibilities.
"The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good."
--- Brian Tracy

The Photocopy Machine

Day 81
The law of attraction is like
a giant photocopying machine,
giving back to what you are thinking and feeling.
If things are coming into your life
that you do not want,
then it is certain that most of the time
you are not aware of the thoughts you are
thinking or of your feelings.
Become aware of your feelings
so when you are not feeling good
you can stop and change the way you feel.
And how do you do that?
You think thoughts that
make you feel good.
Remember that you cannot
think good thoughts and feel bad,
because your feelings are a result of your thoughts.

Overcoming the Habit of Negative Thinking

Recently a young friend of mine complained, “If only I can figure out how to tone down the bad thoughts inside so they can stop projecting outwards!” My wish in that moment was that I could wave a magic wand and wipe away all her negative thoughts, but unfortunately life doesn’t work like that.

We are all plagued by negative thinking to a degree, but allowing this habit to rule our lives, for habit it is, is a grave error. Happiness, prosperity, wellness and wisdom are our birthright; they are the four elements of the good life we all deserve and constitute the abundance we are intended to experience throughout life. Regrettably, we make a bit of a mess of these fundamentals as we go through life and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

So how do we break this habit? First of all we have to consider how this habit came about in the first place, and the sad answer to this question is that we are programmed into thinking negatively in out formative years and we take it along with us as we develop toward adulthood. If you consider how many times a toddler hears the words, “No,” “can’t,” or “don’t” between one and three years of age you may get my drift here. What’s distressing about this is this is delivered at the hands of those the infant loves, trusts and depends on for his or her wellbeing.

When you enter your school years you have other figures of authority telling you what to do and what not to do. We are expected to respect them and learn from them, but often they are not worthy. They will frequently tell you how much you are incapable of doing, but seldom tell you how much you are capable of doing. In retrospect, these years are seldom building up; for so many children they are years of breaking down. Did you ever have a teacher who put big red crosses on your carefully prepared homework, or circled things out with their hated red pen, or worst of all, crossed it all out with one big red slash? How children come out the other end of this period of life with any sense of ‘being’ is a mystery. But somehow we do, but in what state?

I have always thought that the mark of a good teacher, guide, coach or councilor, is not one who is able to impart information but rather one who can reveal the rudiments of living, and simultaneously build a sturdy character in their student, or client. Strength of character requires self-esteem, healthy beliefs and values and a readiness to change where adjustment is required. Self esteem can be built and beliefs and values can be adjusted to suit new times and experiences.

Life is a journey with a purpose, and you have chosen to walk the path you are travelling. That means that every experience along the way prepares you for a future step. When you turn your thoughts of yourself to positive affirmations and see the value of your experience, you increase your own energy. Berating yourself is a waste of precious energy. You should permit yourself the time to truly feel your feelings, but don’t let them hold you back; rather you must move forward on your chosen path. Feeling worthy and self-confident today, you can look forward with the same enthusiasm with which, in retrospect, you viewed your past achievements.


Thursday, 4 November 2010

Learn To Say Thank You

Day 80
Ancient wisdom dating back thousands of years
gave us the truth about gratitude.
Every single religion speaks of giving thanks.
All of the sages and saviors of our world
demonstrated the use of gratitude in all their teachings.
The greatest human beings who have ever lived
showed us the way with gratitude,
and by their example
became shining lights in our history.
Surely this is why Einstein said
"Thank you" hundreds of times
every single day!

Start Your Day With a Bang

Today is such a wonderful day to be alive. It's a great day to live, to learn, to imagine, to share, to inspire and to grow. It's the best day you could ever have to reach out and achieve your dreams.

Wake up with excitement and inspiration each day. There's nothing like joy, enthusiasm and a little fodder for the mind to set the scene for your endeavours. Carry this with gratitude, excitement and enthusiasm throughout the day.

"Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm."
- - - Earl Nightingale

Take a moment before you start your labours to create a vision for the day, reviewing and picturing your plans and goals in your imagination. Revisit your vision often.

Choose something special to be grateful for and be happy. The acknowledgment and appreciation of what you already have has the power to attract more into your life. It's really important to be happy and feel great, as it's this feeling that communicates with the Universe and attracts more happiness and good feelings into your life.

Read something inspirational and powerful so as to help keep the positive energies flowing every minute of your day. A few words of wisdom from a mind of surpassing excellence has the capacity to enthuse your mind, raising your energies to a higher level, and thus bringing you closer to excellence.

Be your own best friend by starting your day with a bang. You owe it to yourself to be positive and powerful, striving for excellence. Make every day a great day!

Take The Easy Path

Day 79
Our natural state of being is joy.
It takes so much energy
to think negative thoughts,
to speak negative words,
and to feel miserable.
The easy path is good thoughts,
good words, and good deeds.
Take the easy path.
Celebrate Goodness
Ok - you can go back to solving all the problems and pitfalls of your life in a short while - or NOT. How about taking a moment to treasure what is right about your life. All too often we focus so intently on solving the problems that we forget to zoom out and celebrate the good things that are in our life already. If we can stay focused on the good things, our vision becomes less misty and we can see the way that lies before us more clearly.

Know Yourself

Day 78
Your advancement in mastering
the law of attraction is based on learning
and then practicing what works best for you.
Everyday you can see what you have been thinking
through what is happening in your life.
Your entire world is a movie,
showing you how you are going.
You are not in the dark --
you are getting feedback.
Learn from the feedback.
Observe what comes to you easily and
think about what you did for
that thing to come easily.
Know yourself,
and you will become master
of the Law of Attraction.

What You Believe

Day 77
"Man is what he believes"
ANTON CHEKHOV (1860-1904)
The Notebook of Anton Chekhov
Believe In Yourself
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there. To serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become.

You never know who these people may be but when you lock eyes with them, you know that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, will power or heart.

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere.
Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless.

The people you meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that you experience can create who you are, and the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.

If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.

If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because they are teaching you to love and to open your heart and eyes to little things. Make every day count.

Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again.

Talk to people you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high.

If you take your eyes off your goals, all you see are obstacles.
Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you. Create your own life and then go out and live it.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

How Convincing Is Your Imagination?

Day 76
When you were a small child playing make-believe,
do you remember how convincing
your imagination was to you?
Well, this is what you must do when you want anything.
Secretly, inside yourself, pretend that
you have what you want already.
For example, if you want friends,
make believe or pretend that you have
great friends now.
The moment you tip the balance by imagining
and feeling that you have great friends now
more than noticing that you don't,
you will have great friends.
This simple formula applies to everything.

The Most Wonderful Feeling

Day 75
Get into the feeling of having what you want now,
and keep feeling that.
It will be the most wonderful feeling in the world.
As you practice the feeling,
it will get stronger and stronger.
You will begin to feel that you already have
what you want.
When you do this,
the law must respond.
Remember that the law has never failed
in anything it has undertaken,
and it will not fail In your case either.

Now Is The Time To Bloom Where You Are Planted

There are no guarantees in this life, so when you hesitiate you do so at the risk of never fully blossoming. Having a vision for our future that differs from your current circumstances can be inspiring and exciting, but it can also keep you from fully committing to your present placement.

You may become aware that this is happening when you notice your thoughts about the future distracting you from your participation in the moment. You may find upon searching your heart that you are waiting for some future time or situation in order to et started on the road to your goals. This would be like a flower planted in Wales putting off blooming because it would prefer to do so in England.

There are no guarantees in this life, so when you hesitate you do so at the risk of never fully blossoming. The present moment always offers you the ground in which you can take root and open your heart. What this means is that you live fully, wherever you are, not hesitating because conditions are not perfect. This can be scary, because you might feel that you are giving up your cherished dreams if you do not agree to wait for them.

But this idea that you have to withold your energy now in order to find happiness later doesn’t really make sense. What might really be happening is that you are afraid to embrace this moment, and yourself, just exactly as you are right now. This constitutes a tendency to deny fully loving yourself, as you are, where you are.

Many people have a habit of presenting life with a set of conditions: They want to know "If" and "When" before they will say yes to the gift of their lives. Now is the time for you to bloom where you are planted, overriding your tendency to procratinate. Now is the time to say yes, to be brave and commit fully to yourself, because until you do no one else will. Now is the time to be vulnerable, unfolding delicately yet fully into the space in which you find ourself. Now is the time to bloom where you are planted.

The Law Is Impersonal

Day 74
Any words you speak have a frequency,
and they moment you speak them
they are released into the Universe.
The law of attractions responds to all frequencies,
and so it is also responding to
the words that you speak.
When you use very strong words,
such as "terrible," "shocking," and "horrible"
to describe any situation in your life,
you are sending out an equally strong frequency,
and the law of attraction must respond
by bringing that frequency back to you.
The law is impersonal,
and simply matches your frequency.
Do you see how important it is
for you to speak strongly about what you want,
and not to use strong words
about what you don't want.

Fire Of Desire

Day 73
If you had had a perfect existence up until now,
where everything had gone exactly right,
you might not have a strong determination
and desire to change your life.
It's all of the apparently "negative" things
that happen to us,
which give us a huge desire to change things.
That huge desire that arises within you
is like a magnetic fire,
and it is very powerful.
Be grateful for everything that caused that fire
to ignite a massive desire within you,
because that fire of desire will
give you strength and determination,
and you will change your life.

Being In Joy

Day 72
If you have "needing money" in your vibration,
then you will keep attracting needing money.
You have to find a way of being happy NOW,
feeling good NOW, and being in joy NOW,
without the money,
because those great feelings are
how you will feel with the money.
Money doesn't bring happiness --
but happiness brings money.

Understanding Your Thinking

Day 71
To understand how you might be thinking thoughts
without realizing it, stop right now, close your eyes,
and do not think of a single thought for ten seconds.
If thoughts came even though you decided to stop them,
you know thoughts are happening in your life without
your knowledge of the them.
If your mind will not obey you and stop tor ten seconds,
can you imagine the amount of thoughts
being produced in one day?
You can change this and master your mind.
All it takes is practicing the process of
not thinking a thought for ten seconds.
In short amounts of time you will be able
to stop all thoughts for ten seconds,
fifteen seconds, thirty seconds and so on,
until you are the one who decides whether
you will think a thought or not.
The peace that comes when you are
the master of your mind is indescribable,
and along with that you will also be
the master of the law of attraction.
Imagine that!

Overcoming the Habit of Negative Thinking

Recently a young friend of mine complained, “If only I can figure out how to tone down the bad thoughts inside so they can stop projecting outwards!” My wish in that moment was that I could wave a magic wand and wipe away all her negative thoughts, but unfortunately life does not work like that.

We are all plagued by negative thinking to a degree, but allowing this habit to rule our lives, for habit it is, is a grave error. Happiness, prosperity, wellness and wisdom are our birthright; they are the four elements of the good life we all deserve and constitute the abundance we are intended to experience throughout life. Regrettably, we make a bit of a mess of these fundamentals as we go through life and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

When you enter your school years you have other figures of authority telling you what to do and what not to do. We are expected to respect them and learn from them, but often they are not worthy. They will frequently tell you how much you are incapable of doing, but seldom tell you how much you are capable of doing. In retrospect, these years are seldom building up; for so many children they are years of breaking down. Did you ever have a teacher who put big red crosses on your carefully prepared homework, or circled things out with their hated red pen, or worst of all, crossed it all out with one big red slash? How children come out the other end of this period of life with any sense of ‘being’ is a mystery. But somehow we do, but in what state?

I have always thought that the mark of a good teacher, guide, coach or councilor, is not one who is able to impart information but rather one who can reveal the rudiments of living, and simultaneously build a sturdy character in their student, or client. Strength of character requires self-esteem, healthy beliefs and values and a readiness to change where adjustment is required. Self esteem can be built and beliefs and values can be adjusted to suit new times and experiences.

Life is a journey with a purpose, and you have chosen to walk the path you are travelling. That means that every experience along the way prepares you for a future step. When you turn your thoughts of yourself to positive affirmations and see the value of your experience, you increase your own energy. Berating yourself is a waste of precious energy. You should permit yourself the time to truly feel your feelings, but don’t let them hold you back; rather you must move forward on your chosen path. Feeling worthy and self-confident today, you can look forward with the same enthusiasm with which, in retrospect, you viewed your past achievements.

So how do we break this habit? First of all we have to consider how this habit came about in the first place, and the sad answer to this question is that we are programmed into thinking negatively in out formative years and we take it along with us as we develop toward adulthood. If you consider how many times a toddler hears the words, “No,” “can’t,” or “don’t” between one and three years of age you may get my drift here. What’s distressing about this is this is delivered at the hands of those the infant loves, trusts and depends on for his or her well being.

Become Pure

Day 70
"If a man's mind becomes pure,
his surroundings will also become pure"
BUDDHA (c.563-c. 483BC)

For Everyone

Day 69
When you ask for happiness and a beautiful life,
ask not just for you,
but for everyone.
When you ask for something better,
ask not just for you,
but for everyone.
By all means ask for abundance and health for you,
but also ask for it to be given to everyone.
Can you imagine what would happen if six billion people
asked for these things for you?

You Always Have A Choice

Day 68
When there is a big change of energy,
which affects our lives,
we often label it as "bad" and cause ourselves sorrow,
pain, and suffering by resisting that change.
But you always have a choice.
In the Universe there is never just one way,
and you are never trapped with no way out,
no matter what has occurred.
In every circumstance and moment of your life
there are two paths available to you.
The two paths are positive and negative,
and YOU are the one who chooses
which path you will take.

Appreciation Attracts Appreciation

Day 67
To allow the Universe to move in your
life to happier and better things,
you are going to need to look around you
and appreciate the good things,
here and now. Seek the beautiful things
and count the blessings of where
you are. Dissatisfaction will not bring
the happier and the better into your
life. Dissatisfaction roots you to
the spot where you currently are, but
appreciation for what you have attracts
the happier and better to you.
Remember that you are a magnet!
Appreciation attracts appreciation!

Think Good Thoughts Each Day

Day 66
Do no worry at all about the negative thoughts,
and do not try to control them.
All you have to do is
begin to think good thoughts each day.
Plant as many good thoughts as you can each day.
As you begin to think good thoughts
you will attract more and more good thoughts,
and eventually the good thoughts
will wipe out the negative thoughts altogether.

The Receiving Frequency

Day 65
All you have to do is ask and believe,
then get yourself on the receiving
frequency of goodness.
You don't actually have to do anything else.
The Universe will do all the moving of things,
including moving you.
When you ask and believe,
you are getting yourself our of the way
so the Universe can do it's work.

The Power of Gratitude

Day 64
We can never bring anything to us
unless we are grateful for what we have.
In fact, if somebody was completely
and utterly grateful for everything,
they would never have to ask for anything,
because it would be given
to them before they even asked.
That is the power of Gratitude.

As We Are

Day 63
"If we live good lives, the times are also good.
As we are, such are the times"

Totally Believe

Day 62
How did I use The Secret
to stop wearing reading glasses?
I asked, and then I visualized myself
without reading glasses in every situation.
My eyesight became clear in three days.
I didn't notice the three days that it took because
I KNEW it was done in the moment I asked.
If I had noticed the three days that it took,
then I would have been noticing that
it was not already done.
I totally believed and KNEW it was done.
I had absolute faith.
I can just as easily say that it took me three days
to realize that my eyes were seeing clearly
or that it took me three days
to adjust to my clear eyes.
That would be true,
because I knew at the moment
I asked that is had been given to me,
and I had absolutely no doubt whatsoever.
From that state of knowing,
my eyesight became clear in three days.

The Unlimited Universe

Day 61
The Universe has unlimited ways
to bring your dream about,
and I can assure you
that when you emanate your dream
on the inside of you ,
it will appear in the outside world
in a way that you could never have imagined.
Just get your emanation happening
and leave the rest to the Universe.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

The Universe Delivers

Day 60
You are a transmission center of the Universe.
You are emitting a frequency
to the Universe every second
and you are receiving transmissions
back every second.
To create what you want,
you must telegraph your desire
without breaking the transmissions,
and you do that by holding with you the
knowledge that your desire has manifested.
But if you begin to have thoughts
that your desire is not here,
and if you begin
to doubt, you just broke the transmission.
The Universe has lost your signal
and instead has received your new signal
that you do not have your desire.
The Universe responds unfailingly to your new signal,
and you receive what you are transmitting:
my desire is not here.
All you have to do is shift yourself back
on the frequency of having what you want,
and the Universe can deliver it to you.

Don't Try To Work It Out

Day 59
Do you know that as you try and work out "how"
your desires will come about,
you are actually pushing
your desire away from you?
As you try and work out "how"
you can make your desires happen,
you are sending a huge message
to the Universe that you do not
have your desire.
And if you're not emanating the
exact frequency of having
your desire from within you,
how can the Universe possibly find
your signal to deliver your desire?

Ask Believe Receive

Day 58
Ask, Believe, Receive --
just three simple steps to create what you want.
However, very often the second step,
believe, can be the most difficult one.
And yet it is the greatest step you will every take.
Believing contains no doubt.
Believing does not waver.
Believing is absolute faith.
Believing remains steadfast despite
what is happening in the outside world.
When you master believing,
you have mastered your life.
"By believing passionately in something
that does not yet exist,
we create it."
Nikos Kazantzakis

Experience True Gratitude

Day 57
To experience deep gratitude,
sit down and write a list of things
you are grateful for.
Keep writing your list
until your eyes are overflowing with tears.
As the tears come,
you will feel the most beautiful feeling
around your heart
and all through the inside of you.
This is the feeling of true gratitude.
Once you have felt this feeling you will know
how to re-create it.
This intense feeling of gratitude
is the feeling you want to reproduce
as many times a day as you can.
In a very short time you will be able to bring
that feeling into your body at any time,
virtually instantaneously.
Practice will get you there.

Thought-Waves Have Drawing Power

Day 56
"We are sending out thoughts of greater or less intensity all the time,
and we are reaping the results of such thoughts.
Not only do our thought-waves influence ourselves and others,
but they have a drawing power --
they attract to us the thoughts of others,
circumstances, people,
'luck' in accord with the character of the thought
uppermost in our minds"

Thinking Negative Thoughts About Another Person

Day 55
Anybody who thinks negative thoughts about someone else has those
negative returned to them multiplied.
It doesn't matter how many people are thinking negatively about someone; if that person is in joy those thoughts can never reach them, because they are on a different frequency.
Instead, all of the negative thoughts will multiply and return to the people who were thinking them.
No-one else can bring negativity into our lives through their thoughts,
unless we allow our frequency to lower to the same negative frequency as theirs.

The Frequency Within You

Day 54
The entire world and every single detail in your day
are all showing you the frequency within you.
The evidence of your frequency is speaking to you
in every moment through the people that you experience,
the circumstances, and the events.
Life is mirroring back to you what you are holding inside you.

Attract Appreciation For What You Do

Day 53
If you want to attract appreciation for what you do,
then move through your life appreciating
and complimenting others.
If you find fault with another,
then you just brought others finding fault with you.
If you judge another,
then you just brought judgement to you.
And if you appreciate others,
you will bring appreciation to you.
You have to make the quality dominant in you first,
before you can attract it in your outside world.

Where Are You Overriding Your Intention?

Day 52
If you are visualizing all of the time and nothing is happening,
it means that you are overriding your intention
in some other powerful day that you are not aware of.
What you are thinking?
What words are you speaking?
What actions are you taking?
If you're not sure,
ask the law of attraction
to show you where you are overriding your
and it will be shown to you clearly.

Connecting to a Great Power

Day 51
There is no doubt that when using the law of attraction
for the good of everyone,
you are connecting yourself to a great power.
However, the law is also available to you individually
so that you may live your life to the fullest.
When you live your life to the fullest you have
so much more to give others.
Your pain and misery does not help the world.
But your joy and your life lived fully uplifts the world.