Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Self Healing Techniques and Methods

Self Healing Techniques
Healing the mind, body and spirit is a power that we all hold inside. As soon as we get a cut, experience a trauma, or even do something as simple as lose our keys, all of our defenses go to remedy the situation and make it whole. Self-healing techniques assist the natural process of returning to wholeness in various ways through attending to specific life aspects of an individual. This article highlights a few of the many areas of focus for self healing.
People are usually drawn to self healing because of a physical ailment. Improving your diet through increasing fruit, vegetable and water consumption along with foods believed to offset whatever illness you are experiencing can prove to be healing. Some techniques for healing on the physical level include: incorporating daily exercise and relaxation, self massage for pain relief and mobility, and raw food and other natural diets based in whole foods.

The power of the mind, positive thinking, visualization and how we relate to our thoughts are some areas of self healing on the mental level. The mind-body connection points to a link between how we think and feel about ourselves and what manifests in our lives, including illness. In healing your mental state, various tools can be used to clear negative thinking patterns, increase positive and honest self talk, focus on what is wanted in life, and take appropriate and forward moving action based on sound thinking.Affirmations are positive statements a person can say or write to himself to affirm attributes, characteristics and desired qualities. The statements retrain the mind to produce a positive outlook while anchoring into the true sense of reality without judgment. In self healing, a person may affirm he is healed and whole to affirm a base belief that this is true and bring it about through the power of belief.Meditation is a technique that is used for healing to provide space and clarity about a person's core essence and who she thinks she is. The space created allows a person to see flawed thinking, to release it and to affirm personal worth and well being. Meditation and visualization are often used together to use the power of the imagination to bring about a healing experience.
Releasing and transforming negative emotion while relating to feelings in a way that allows you to feel a sense of personal choice is a form of self healing. Various techniques for healing on the emotional level include: the emotional freedom technique, a combination of energy therapy and affirmative statements; focusing, a technique to invite feelings and receive signals those feelings are trying to convey to make changes; and conscious breathing to experience feelings fully.
Connection with your spirit or the Source of Life brings about a feeling of faith in healing that can be considered a technique in itself. For some, spiritual self-healing is about transcending consciousness and for others it is about placing trust in the hands of their Creator. The many forms of spiritual healing include, but are not limited to: prayer, Reiki, energy work, Theta healing, shamanic journeying, chakra healing and unconditional love. Spiritual healing techniques generally aim to reconnect a person with wholeness through enhancing awareness of spirituality on many levels.

Self Healing Methods
By Blue Gaia

The human body has innate healing mechanisms. Different self-healing methods draw upon the body's natural inclination to wellness. Self-healing techniques include, but are not limited to, self-massage, visualization and breath therapy.

Use self-healing methods to avoid pharmaceutical treatments or invasive surgical procedures. Apply them to resolve causes rather than symptoms of ailments. When you are able to participate in your wellness, you are empowered. Coordinate your mind and body toward a single goal: healing. Release blocked energy, allowing it to freely flow throughout the mind and body.While self healing is not dangerous, do not self-diagnose and treat serious conditions.


Self-massage is a simple technique for treating muscle tension and aches. According to the Natural Healing Guide, regular practice of self-massage may prevent illness (see References 1). Ease fatigue by apply a loofah mitt to your skin. Massage beginning with your legs upward to your heart when you wake up to stimulate yourself for the coming day. The Natural Healing Guide explains that massage promotes circulation, which relieves tense muscles and pain (see References 1). Some self-massage methods relax, while other techniques invigorate. In either case, you will experience a healing sense of well-being.


Visualization is a powerful method for healing. Holistic Online suggests learning to direct your thinking can harness the power to heal (see References 2). Learn visualization techniques to ease stress and guide your body toward healing. According to Mind Power for Success, as you enter into deep relaxation and visualize your body's ailing areas, you empower your body to heal ailments from simple muscle pain to tumors. Use your powers of visualization to visualize healthy organs and tissues. Maintain the image of health as you return from visualization state.

Breath Work

Breath work incorporates the most basic bodily function to carry healing throughout your body and to release blocked energy, which can cause many illnesses. The Natural Healing Guide teaches how to breathe properly and heal conditions including migraines and insomnia. Practice simple abdominal breathing to introduce ample oxygen throughout your system. As you inhale, extending your abdomen, and exhale as if deflating a balloon, your brain, tissues and organs receive healing and stimulating oxygen.

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