Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Self Healing Techniques and Methods

Self Healing Techniques
Healing the mind, body and spirit is a power that we all hold inside. As soon as we get a cut, experience a trauma, or even do something as simple as lose our keys, all of our defenses go to remedy the situation and make it whole. Self-healing techniques assist the natural process of returning to wholeness in various ways through attending to specific life aspects of an individual. This article highlights a few of the many areas of focus for self healing.
People are usually drawn to self healing because of a physical ailment. Improving your diet through increasing fruit, vegetable and water consumption along with foods believed to offset whatever illness you are experiencing can prove to be healing. Some techniques for healing on the physical level include: incorporating daily exercise and relaxation, self massage for pain relief and mobility, and raw food and other natural diets based in whole foods.

The power of the mind, positive thinking, visualization and how we relate to our thoughts are some areas of self healing on the mental level. The mind-body connection points to a link between how we think and feel about ourselves and what manifests in our lives, including illness. In healing your mental state, various tools can be used to clear negative thinking patterns, increase positive and honest self talk, focus on what is wanted in life, and take appropriate and forward moving action based on sound thinking.Affirmations are positive statements a person can say or write to himself to affirm attributes, characteristics and desired qualities. The statements retrain the mind to produce a positive outlook while anchoring into the true sense of reality without judgment. In self healing, a person may affirm he is healed and whole to affirm a base belief that this is true and bring it about through the power of belief.Meditation is a technique that is used for healing to provide space and clarity about a person's core essence and who she thinks she is. The space created allows a person to see flawed thinking, to release it and to affirm personal worth and well being. Meditation and visualization are often used together to use the power of the imagination to bring about a healing experience.
Releasing and transforming negative emotion while relating to feelings in a way that allows you to feel a sense of personal choice is a form of self healing. Various techniques for healing on the emotional level include: the emotional freedom technique, a combination of energy therapy and affirmative statements; focusing, a technique to invite feelings and receive signals those feelings are trying to convey to make changes; and conscious breathing to experience feelings fully.
Connection with your spirit or the Source of Life brings about a feeling of faith in healing that can be considered a technique in itself. For some, spiritual self-healing is about transcending consciousness and for others it is about placing trust in the hands of their Creator. The many forms of spiritual healing include, but are not limited to: prayer, Reiki, energy work, Theta healing, shamanic journeying, chakra healing and unconditional love. Spiritual healing techniques generally aim to reconnect a person with wholeness through enhancing awareness of spirituality on many levels.

Self Healing Methods
By Blue Gaia

The human body has innate healing mechanisms. Different self-healing methods draw upon the body's natural inclination to wellness. Self-healing techniques include, but are not limited to, self-massage, visualization and breath therapy.

Use self-healing methods to avoid pharmaceutical treatments or invasive surgical procedures. Apply them to resolve causes rather than symptoms of ailments. When you are able to participate in your wellness, you are empowered. Coordinate your mind and body toward a single goal: healing. Release blocked energy, allowing it to freely flow throughout the mind and body.While self healing is not dangerous, do not self-diagnose and treat serious conditions.


Self-massage is a simple technique for treating muscle tension and aches. According to the Natural Healing Guide, regular practice of self-massage may prevent illness (see References 1). Ease fatigue by apply a loofah mitt to your skin. Massage beginning with your legs upward to your heart when you wake up to stimulate yourself for the coming day. The Natural Healing Guide explains that massage promotes circulation, which relieves tense muscles and pain (see References 1). Some self-massage methods relax, while other techniques invigorate. In either case, you will experience a healing sense of well-being.


Visualization is a powerful method for healing. Holistic Online suggests learning to direct your thinking can harness the power to heal (see References 2). Learn visualization techniques to ease stress and guide your body toward healing. According to Mind Power for Success, as you enter into deep relaxation and visualize your body's ailing areas, you empower your body to heal ailments from simple muscle pain to tumors. Use your powers of visualization to visualize healthy organs and tissues. Maintain the image of health as you return from visualization state.

Breath Work

Breath work incorporates the most basic bodily function to carry healing throughout your body and to release blocked energy, which can cause many illnesses. The Natural Healing Guide teaches how to breathe properly and heal conditions including migraines and insomnia. Practice simple abdominal breathing to introduce ample oxygen throughout your system. As you inhale, extending your abdomen, and exhale as if deflating a balloon, your brain, tissues and organs receive healing and stimulating oxygen.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Healing The Body With The Mind

Day 18

According to the Law of Attraction,
the path to eradicating disease is not to fight it.

If you decide you are going to fight a disease,
your focus is on fighting the disease,
and we attract what we are focusing on.

Allow the doctors you have chosen to do their work,
and keep your mind focused on well being.

Think thoughts of well-being.
Speak words of well-being.
And imagine yourself completely well.


"The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind."
--- Wayne Dyer

“Mind Power will be the medicine of the 21st century.”
---Deepak Chopra
We all possess within us an intuitive healing code that contains the blueprints for our health and happiness, and for the survival of everything that is good here on earth.

It is perfectly possible to tap into and train your own intuitive powers and use them for your well-being. It takes awareness to aspire to this type of healing, which Deepak Chopra refers to as Quantum Healing. Quantum healing is a metaphysical claim that the mind can heal the body, a practice that involves altering the perception and thoughts. It is a matter of the "Mind-Body Connection", the study of which has made significant progress in recent years.
Quantum healing is a practice that involves changing how a person views their health and how they think about themselves so as to transform the body in a healing and positive way. The practice is based on the tenet that the body exists in an undecided state, ascertained by the consciousness within the mind that is modified by each person's thoughts. It is also based on the claim that positive outcomes to health can be achieved through directing a person's biased perception of reality.
Quantum healing requires that we listen to our body's signals, the inner voice or intuition. It also requires a spiritual connection. First it is necessary to notice your beliefs. Do you see your body as separate from your mind? Is it separate from the rest of the world, the Universe? Or is your body part of the greater whole, joint with all others and with the Universe? Are you one with God or simply just a simple being cut off from everything else? These are big issues, big questions to think about. The Law of Attraction would have us believe that we are each a part of the greater whole.
Secondly this healing would have you be in your body, be aware of the processes taking place, of where you are and how you are. What is your sense of your body's subtle energy? Do you have the courage to ask for inner guidance, to trust that intuitive voice within? What does it tell you about your health and what you can achieve with your thought processes?
Quantum healing would also have you be fully aware of all your consciousness, including your subconscious, your dreams, and the super-conscious, the connection with the Universe.
In eradicating disease, the importance lies in healing the whole person rather than treating a body. Within the medical profession, the jury is out on whether or not the mind can have an influence on healing, but traditional medicine relies on science, which in turn requires that some visible healing process should take place. However, the thought processes of the mind cannot be witnessed visually, but it does not mean they are not effective in being able to bring about a positive change in the nature of a person's health. What has been proven is that the mind can effect the body in a more positive way than modern medicine or diet can accomplish. I believe a person ought to be encouraged to take an active part in healing and to view illness as a positive passage to a new awareness. Although we don’t understand the extent to which healing depends on attitude, it has been shown that healing needs to focus on more than the body.
"We are the keepers of an intuitive intelligence so powerful it can tell us how to heal,"
--- Judith Orloff, M.D.
Claims made concerning Quantum Healing:

There is no observer separate from reality.
There is no separate reality from the observer.
The body is fundamentally made of information and energy and perceived as solid matter.
The mind and body are one and the same and are not divisible.
Biochemical reactions of the body are a product of awareness.
Perception of reality is a learned behavior.
Changing thoughts can and do change the body.
There is an underlying consciousness or intelligence that connects everyone.
There is much to say about our thoughts being the greatest healers we have.
Think positive thoughts of healing and live in wellness.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Lee Ann Womack- "I Hope You Dance- (Radio Version)"

The words of this song and the spirit behind it simply swept me away.

Please give it a listen and a lot of thought.

It says so much.

"I Hope You Dance"

by Lee Ann Womack

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder

You get your fill to eat, But always keep that hunger

May you never take one single breath for granted

God forbid love ever leave you empty handed

I hope you still feel small, When you stand by the ocean ...

Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens

Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

I hope you dance, I hope you dance

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance

Never settle for the path of least resistance

Living might mean taking chances, But they're worth taking

Lovin' might be a mistake, But it's worth making

Don't let some hell bent heart, Leave you bitter

When you come close to selling out, Reconsider

Give the heavens above More than just a passing glance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

I hope you dance (Time is a real and constant motion always)

I hope you dance (Rolling us along)

I hope you dance (Tell me who)

I hope you dance (Wants to look back on their youth and wonder) (Where those years have gone)

I hope you still feel small When you stand by the ocean

Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens

Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

Dance - I hope you dance - I hope you dance (Time is a real and constant motion always)

I hope you dance (Rolling us along)

I hope you dance (Tell me who) (Wants to look back on their youth and wonder)

I hope you dance (Where those years have gone)

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Letting Go

Letting Go

In exactly the same way that birds have to find the courage to let go of a branch in order to actually fly, we must also let go of our emotional branches if we are to experience the exhilaration of soaring to our highest potential in life!

The branches we hold on to are our innermost attachments: our beliefs, our bad habits and those memories which keep us stuck. And then there are the outer attachments: they are people, possessions, positions and privileges - to name but a few. We must be aware that as long as we hold onto them, we will actually live in fear (of letting go and loss) and we will never feel the freedom that we all deserve. Once you become aware of those birds and the initial courage they display when they let go of their branches just prior to flying, you will be capable of experiencing life in a totally different way.

This can be your new recipe of how to live a life where you learn to let go of one branch at a time, and learn to have new experiences, one at a time. The birds have found that by letting go of one branch, they are then able to spend the rest of their lives trying many other branches, one branch at a time, and they can enjoy the view from each new vantage point. What a way to live!

Are you actually flying and soaring in your life, or are you stuck on one branch, resenting others as they fly past?

You can do it, go on, just try letting go!

Remember this - not letting go of old stuff is the same as driving through life with a flat tire on our cars; not stopping to change it; hoping that it will fix itself; pretending that the ride is smooth; knowing that it isn't; until one day it gets so loud and bumpy that we are forced to stop and take a look, and actually get help!


Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Let Life Come

Let Life Come
Let life come, without striving to force it. Let life come, and it will unfold with great abundance.

The feeling you seek is already yours. If it was not, then how could you even know about it?

Allow that feeling to live and breathe and grow and flow throughout your life. The life you wish to experience is yours when you let go and let it be.

Listen to those little inspirations that quietly whisper. There is a reason why you hear them and feel their truth.

Act in harmony with what you know is right and what you know is best. Instead of struggling against what is, ride joyously and successfully along with life's continuously unfolding possibilities.

Let life come. And live the beauty as each new moment is born.

-- Ralph Marston

A Course Of Non-Resistance

Day 17

What does it feel like to be in harmony with the Universe?
It is the same feeling as when you float on water.
If you are tense, or if you resist the water,
you will sink.
If you surrender to the water,
the water will support you and you will float.
That is the feeling,
and that is how you harmonize yourself with the Universe.
Let the tension go and float!

A Course Of Non-Resistance

"I have learned silence from the talkative,
tolerance from the intolerant,
and kindness from the unkind;
yet, strangely,
I am ungrateful to those teachers."
- Kahlil Gibran

It's amazing how much can be learned from the things that rub you up the wrong way, mostly because they are rubbing the wrong way and causing friction. Friction causes resistance - resistance leads to irritation - and irritation is bound to cause break down; they meet with obstacles in their path - and loose sight of the real objectives of life. If we go through life fighting, resisting, opposing, complaining, arguing, we are bound to meet obstacles in our path. By putting up opposition and strife, a person can expect plenty more to come their way.

I was six when I learned to swim. My older brother and sister called me to jump into the deep end of the swimming pool. When I found I could not stand I panicked, but my sister told me not to fight against the water or it would drag me down; I should just let the water hold me up, and in being calm, it would do just that. I let go of my fear and, amazingly enough, floated. Before too long I was swimming.

Water is very powerful. If you have ever seen a river come down in flood, you will know how it can sweep everything away in it’s path. Yet water, as an element, is perfectly non-resistant. A little stream doesn’t waste time with obstacles on its way; it works its way around many bends and turns, but every bend takes it nearer its goal.

So, if we strive for a course of non-resistance, like the stream that becomes a river, we will eventually reach the ocean of our desires. When the steam is small, it winds its way through the countryside. To begin with it may struggle and have a hard time as it works its way around obstacles in its path. But as it grows stronger in force and volume to become a river, its path is more direct and there are fewer obstacles in its path. When we start out in life we are like a stream, working around obstacles in our path, but as we grow in wisdom and experience, we become like the river; our course is more direct, our understanding of life is deeper as we reach out towards the ocean of our ultimate objectives.

What happens, though, when you dam a stream? The water resists the obstruction and remains behind the dam. So it is for you; if you resist a situation, it will remain with you. If the water tries to flow around the dam, it still follows gravity and flows back to the riverbed. This is like trying to run away from a situation; like a shadow it will follow you and meet with you again. However, if you ignore the difficulties of a situation and find a way to deal with it, the time will come when the difficulties seem small, or they may even be surmounted. In every situation there is an element of good; find it, and by accepting it, more good emerges, just as by accepting that the water will allow you to float if you accept its ability to hold you.

We can choose to put up a fight and come to grief, or we can choose the path of least resistance and, like little fishies, slip through the nets put out to catch us. The choice is our; nobody can make that choice for us. Remember the stream and how determined it is to reach the sea. Be that determined to reach and realize all the good there is waiting for you in your sea of fulfilment. Take the path of least resistance; float down the river of life, avoiding obstacles, or at least finding the simplest ways to get past them. Merge your goodness with the good that is seaking you. Remove the obstacles in your path with blessings and understanding so they are no longer stumbling blocks, but a stepping stones, allowing you to reach the good that is waiting for you.


What Is Love?

What Is Love?

“What is love?
Love is when one person knows all of your secrets...
your deepest, darkest, most dreadful secrets
of which no one else in the world knows...
and yet in the end,
that one person does not think any less of you;
even if the rest of the world does.”
--- Anon
Love is loving me
having to know everything about me,
just accepting.

Acceptance is of course the key.
One does not have to know everything of a person's past...
When two people truly love one another,
they accept the darkest parts of the other
with as much ease as they accept the beautiful parts.

Its about unconditional acceptance...

A person should love who you are.
You are not your past or your secrets!
What is important is your future together,
the love created between you.

Who knows the deepest,
most dreadful secrets of anyone?

It's tough when you truly love someone
even at their worst,
no matter what...
But its even more of a challenge
when that person decides to hide all their secrets from you...
and gets angry that you care...
yet all along you love them regardless.
It's tough,
But that is Love!

Monday, 12 April 2010

The Power Of Love

Day 16

Love is the highest power we possess to be in complete harmony with the law of attraction.
The more love we feel, the greater our power.
The more selfless love we feel,
the more unfathomable our power.

The law of attraction has been called the law of love,
because the law itself is a gift of love to humanity.
It is the law by which we can create incredible lives for ourselves.

The more love we feel,
the greater our power to
create a magnificent life of love,
joy, and harmony.


If I asked you to name just one emotion, you’d probably choose Love. However, love is not the simplest of emotions. While loving someone involves emotional states, it also requires time spent with the person, protecting and nurturing the loved one, and often, a desire to be protected and nurtured in return. In some relationships a desire for sexual expression is also an important part of love. But all types of love have excitement and joy in being with and doing for the self and others in common. Love is perhaps the strongest of all emotions, each aspect of which is rooted in our biological as well as social nature. It’s what sets us apart as humans and binds us together as social beings.
Did you know that love is the best antidepressant available today? The sad thing is that so many ideas we have about love are all wrong. Psychology teaches that the less love you have, the more depressed you are likely to feel. I’d rather look at the positive side of things and say that the more love you have flowing through your life, the happier you are to be with life in general.

Love is as critical for your mind, body and soul as oxygen. The more love you give and receive, the healthier you will be, emotionally, physically and spiritually. The less love you give and receive, the more at risk you are of lack of physical health, of failures in life and of having a deficit in faith, in yourself or anything else.

In the English language there is only one word for this emotion, but in the Greek, there are a number of words for it:
Eros – sexual love.
Philos – brotherly love.
Agape – Unconditional love.

You probably got most of your ideas of love from popular culture. You perhaps believe that love is something that sweeps you off your feet. But this ideal of love consists of unrealistic images created for entertainment, which is one reason so many people are set up to fall. It's part of your vulnerability, like eating junk food, constantly stimulated by images of instant gratification. You think it is love when it's simply distraction and infatuation. One consequence is that when you arrive at real love you’re disappointed because there are many things that do not fit the social ideal. You might become demanding and controlling, wanting someone else to do what you think your model of romance should be, without realizing your belief in this model is misplaced. Love is not just romantic; it’s not the lust and obsession of the soap operas. It’s so much more than just passion and amour.

Love is a learned skill, not just the response of hormones creating desire or infatuation. Love is an act of will, and if the wrong things are learned about love, it almost guaranties failures in so many avenues of life. Love wants the best for someone and the first someone you love should be yourself.

As the song says:

"Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me;
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me.
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve;
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all."

Most of us are taught that it’s wrong to put ourselves first, and as a consequence we bring feelings of being unworthy and undeserving into our lives. If we consider ourselves first, we feel guilty. This guilt is totally misplaced. If you hang on to the guilt, and lack of worth, the feeling that you don’t deserve to be loved, these beliefs lodged within you will attract circumstances that bring more lack. A change of thinking is required.

“Believing you are worthy of love means that you believe ‘I deserve to be treated well, with respect and dignity. I deserve to be cherished and adored by someone. I am worthy of an intimate and fulfilling relationship. I won’t settle for less than I deserve. I will do whatever it takes to create that for myself.’”
Jack Canfield

You need to recognise yourself for who and what you are, a child of the Universe, worthy of love, fulfilment and praise, even if you are the only person left in the whole world to give that love and praise, or to experience fulfilment. It is possible to overcome any limiting belief and thinking yourself unworthy of love is perhaps the worst limiting belief you can carry.

“To acquire love . . . fill yourself up with it until you become a magnet.”
Charles Haanel

Limiting beliefs are learned as a child. However, recognising they exist and realising they are not true can overcome them. Even if you didn’t get self-love taught to you as a child, it’s never too late to learn to respect yourself enough to love yourself fully. When you feel genuine self-love and self-worth, you will recognise yourself as worthy and competent. A reverence and humility accompanies this deep knowing that you are valuable just for being you. You worth is not dependant on what you do or what you have. When your self-esteem is evident, you will attract love and respect from others.

If you were raised by parents who continually showed you love and gave you support and encouragement, no matter how you behaved, you’d have grown up with a belief that you were a good and valuable person, worthy of love. This belief could be developed even by the age of three and becomes a fundamental value of a person’s life. This value affects how you view yourself in relation to your world. This is your reality, and no matter what happens to you, you will hold to it.

On the other hand, if you were raised with criticism, disapproval, and physical or mental abuse, your deduction at a young age may have been that there was something wrong with you. You may not have understood being punished or controlled in this manner, but the assumption you came to may have led you to believe that your parents had to be right, that you deserved their treatment of you and that you were of no value and unlovable. You were therefore worthless.

This is referred to in psychology as love withheld. Conditional love, when a child receives love only when they perform in a manner required or expected by its parents, can be just as destructive. It can lead to dependence on the opinions of others and always needing somebody to approve of them. They then expect love on approval and carry fears of failure and rejection. They fear trusting others and are often unable to give or receive love unreservedly.

But these scenarios are not based on ultimate truth. Everybody is born with a need to be loved and possesses a beauty inside, even if it is hidden or suppressed. When sought out, it supplies a sense of pride that leads to a greater love of self. You might feel you need another person to look up to, but the greater need should be to look up to yourself first. That is the primary and ultimate lesson in love.

The second thing to bring love into your life is to do what you love. This is tapping into you talents, your genius. If you consider people like Bill Gates, Bette Midler, Oprah; they do what they love. They’re living the life they were born to live, making their own unique contribution to the world, doing what is extremely important to them. No wonder they’re so successful!

You need to know that it is not only celebrities like this who are entitled to have this ‘genius’ quality; every individual has it including you! You have unique talents, abilities, interests and values that only you can bring into greatness. You have a destiny that only you can fulfil. When you are committed to fulfilling that destiny by doing what you love, you will attract an avalanche of love into your life because love will be radiating from you.

“There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than there is for bread.”
Mother Teresa

The third thing about love is that it’s like everything else; to get more you have to give more. The simple act of giving creates a spiritual alliance with the Power of the Universe and fosters the mindset of love for others. If you express love and acceptance to another, they will return that love to you.
An important aspect of love is what is known as altruistic behaviour, a willingness to make sacrifices, especially for others. It is also offering protection, which in extreme circumstances, may even lead to risking life and limb for a loved one. This type of love is usually directed toward family members, or people to whom a person is related, but may be directed toward a complete stranger if the ability to love is great enough.

Love is such a powerful emotion, it truly rules the earth. It has the power to attract when used in the right way, but it can also repel if used in an incorrect manner. Love can bring a great deal of joy in life, but it may be the source of the deepest disappointments in life and the cause of the most intense emotional pain. The truth is there is never a lack of love; there is more than enough love to go around, more than enough to give, sufficient to share and more than enough to receive.

"And if by chance, that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place,
Find your strength in love."

I came across this amazing video
I'd like to share with you.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

You Have To Ask

Asking is the begining of receiving.
Make sure you don't go to the ocean with a teaspoon.
At least take a bucket so the kids won't laugh at you.
Jim Rohn
"Some people fold after making one timid request.
They quit too soon. Keep asking until you find the answers.”
Jack Canfield

Asking is still a challenge to so many people, even though there are numerous examples of the benefits others have obtained simply by asking for them. Why is it such a neglected secret, considering it’s innate power? You may be holding yourself back in a big way by not being able to ask for what it is you require.

Why are people so afraid to ask? Perhaps it’s a fear of appearing deprived, disadvantaged, foolish or unintelligent, but the biggest fear is that of rejection. However, this holding onto this fear is a form of self-rejection. They are denying themselves and their desires before anyone gets a chance to deny them what they desire.

When I was a student, I failed a year due to circumstances beyond my control. My father was all for my discontinuing my studies and refused to finance my travel, living and study expenses. I could understand his part in the situation, but I was determined to continue with my studies. One of our neighbours had visitors, a family who lived in the nearest city to where I was studying. I plucked up the courage and asked them if I could hitch a ride when they returned; at least I could get that far – it was a journey of more than 800 miles - and I’d worry about the last 50 miles of the journey when I got there. They were more than happy to help and were leaving the following morning when my father came home in the evening with my air tickets, residence fees and allowance all ready for me to take off two days later. My ‘ask’ might have aimed in one direction, but the Universe still supplied! I learned a very important lesson from that experience: never be afraid to ask - take a risk; it could change your entire life.

Whatever it is you ask for, ask with confidence and determination. Ask without any doubt in your mind that you will receive your desire. The thing about doubt is that it is unbelievably destructive. It is your worst enemy. When you permit even a grain of doubt to creep into your mind, the law of attraction hitches up with it and will soon line up a whole long string of doubtful thoughts. The moment you are aware of any doubt, squash it quickly, or in the very least, send it away pronto. Expel that thought from your mind. Replace it with confidence and determination and know that you are receiving what you have asked for.

Don’t assume before you ask that the answer will be ‘No’. Be courageous and prepared to take a risk to get what you need or desire. If you do get a negative reply, you are no worse off than you were to start with. And if you get a positive answer, you have gained much. By being prepared to ask, with confidence, you can achieve the possibilities before you, whether it be a helping hand, a dinner date, a lift to town, an increase in your pay packet, some help around the house, a cup of coffee with a friend or to borrow a book you wish to read. You miss out on 100% of what you don’t ask for. You have to ask!

“People who ask confidently get more than those who are hesitant and uncertain.
When you've figured out what you want to ask for,
do it with certainty, boldness and confidence.”
Jack Canfield


Tuesday, 6 April 2010

The Creative Process

The Creative Process
I believe that
"The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne
handled the subject of "Asking" so well
that I felt I had to share it here.
No copyright infringement intended.

An excerpt from “The Secret”, by Rhonda Byrne

The Creative Process used in The Secret, which was taken from the New Testament in the Bible, is an easy guideline for you to create what you want in three simple steps.

Step 1: Ask

The first step is to ask. Make a command to the Universe. Let the Universe know what you want. The Universe responds to your thoughts.

What do you really want? Sit down and write it out on a piece of paper. Write it in the present tense. You might begin by writing, “I am so happy and grateful now that . . .” And then explain how you want your life to be, in every area.

You get to choose what you want, but you must get clear about what you want. This is your work. If you’re not clear, then the law of attraction cannot bring you what you want. You will be sending out a mixed frequency and you can only attract mixed results. For the first time in your life perhaps, work out what it is you really want. Now that you know you can have , be, or do anything, and there are no limits, what do you want?

Asking is the first step in the Creative Process, so make it a habit to ask. If you have to make a choice and you don’t know which way to go, ask! You should never be stumped on anything in your life. Just ask!

This is really fun. It’s like having the Universe as your catalogue. You flip through it and say, “I’d like to have this excperience and I’d like to have that product and I’d like to have a person like that.” It is You placing your order with the Universe. It’s really that easy.

You do not have to ask over and over again. Just ask once. It is exactly like placing an order from a catalogue. You only ever order something once. You don’t place an order and then doubt the order has been received and so place the order again, and then again, and then again. You order once. It is the same with the Creative Process. Step One is simply your step to get clear about what you want. As you get clear in your mind, you have asked.

Step 2: Believe

Step two is believe. Believe that it’s already yours. Have what I love and have unwavering faith. Believe in the unseen.

You must believe that you have received. You must know that what you want is yours the moment you ask. You must have complete and utter faith. If you had placed an order from a catalogue, you would relax, know you are going to receive what you ordered, and get on with your life.

“See the things that you want as already yours.
Know that they will come to you at need.
Then let them come.
Don’t fret and worry about them.
Don’t think about your lack of them.
Think of them as yours, as belonging to you,
As already in your possession.”
Robert Collier

In the moment you ask, and believe and know you already have it in the unseen, the entire Universe shifts to bring it into the seen. You must act, speak, and think, as though you are receiving it now. Why? The Universe is a mirror, and the law of attraction is mirroring back to you your dominant thoughts. So doesn’t it make sense that you have to see yourself as receiving it? If your thoughts contain noticing you do not have it yet, you will continue to attract not having it yet. You must believe you have it already. You must believe you have received it. You have to emit the feeling frequency of having received it, to bring those pictures back as your life. When you do that, the law of attraction will powerfully move all circumstances, people, and events, for you to receive.

When you book a vacation, order a brand new car, or buy a house, you know those things are yours. You wouldn’t go and book another vacation for the same time, or purchase another car or house. If you won a lottery or received a large inheritance, even before you physically had the money, you know it is yours. That is the feeling of believing it is yours. That is the feeling of believing you have it already. That is the feeling of believing you have received. Claim the things you want by feeling and believing they are yours. When you do that, the law of attraction will powerfully move all the circumstances, people, and events for you to receive.

How do you get yourself to the point of believing? Start making believe. Be like a child, and make-believe, you will begin to believe you have received. The Genie is responding to your predominant thoughts all the time, not just in the moment you ask. That’s why after you’ve asked, you must continue to believe and know. Have faith. Your belief that you have it, that undying faith, is your greatest power. When you believe you are receiving, get ready, and watch the magic begin!

“You can have what you --- if you know how to form the mould for your own thoughts. There is no dream that may not come true, if you but learn to use the Creative Force working through you. The methods that work for one will work for all. The key to power lies in using what you have . . . freely, fully . . . and thus opening wide your channels for more Creative Force to flow through you.”
Robert Collier

The Universe will start to rearrange itself to make it happen for you.

Most of us have never allowed ourselves to want what we truly want, because we can’t see how it’s going to manifest.

If you do just a little research, it is going to become evident to you that anyone that ever accomplished anything, did not know how they were going to do it. They only knew they were going to do it.

You don’t need to know it’s going to come about. You don’t need to know the Universe will rearrange itself.

How it will happen, how the Universe will bring it to you, is not your concern or job. Allow the Universe to do it for you. When you are trying to work out how it will happen, you are emitting a frequency that contains a lack of faith --- that you don’t believe you have it already. You think you have to do it and you don’t believe the Universe will do it for you. The how is not your part in the Creative Process.

You don’t know how, it will be shown to you. You will attract the way.

Most of the time, when we don’t see the things that we’ve requested, we get frustrated. We get disappointed. And we begin to become doubtful. The doubt brings about a feeling of disappointment. Take that doubt and shift it. Recognize that feeling and replace it with a feeling of unwavering faith. “I know that it’s on its way.”

Step 3: Receive

Step three, and the final step in the process, is to receive. Begin to feel wonderful about it. Feel the way you will feel once it arrives. Feel it now.

And in this process it’s important to feel good, to be happy, because when you’re feeling good you’re putting yourself in the frequency of what you want.

This is a feeling Universe. If you just intellectually believe something, but you have no corresponding feeling underneath that, you don’t necessarily have enough power to manifest what you want in your life. You have to feel it.

Ask once, believe you have received, and all you have to do to receive is feel good. When you are feeling good, you are on the frequency of receiving. You are on the frequency of all good things coming to you, and you will receive what you have asked for. You wouldn’t ask for anything unless it was going to make you feel good in the receiving of it, would you? So get yourself on the feeling good frequency, and you will receive.

A fast way to get yourself on that frequency is to say, “I am receiving now. I am receiving all the good in my life now. I am receiving [fill in your desire] now.” And feel it. Feel it as though you have received.

A dear friend of mine, Marcy, is one of the greatest manifestors I have seen, and she feels everything. She feels what it would be like to have what she is asking for. She feels everything into existence. She doesn’t get caught up in how, when, or where, she just feels it and it then manifests.

So feel good now.

When you turn that fantasy into fact, you’re in the position to build bigger and bigger fantasies. And that, my friend, is the Creative Process.

The law of attraction, the study and practice of the law of attraction, is just figuring out what will help you generate the feelings of having it now. Go test-drive that car. Go shop for that home. Get in the house. Do whatever you have to do to generate the feelings of having it now, and remember them. Whatever you can do to achieve that will help you literally attract it.

When you feel as though you have it now, and the feeling is so real that it is like you have it already, you are believing that you have received, and you will receive.

It could be you wake up and it’s just there. It’s manifested. Or, you might get some inspired idea of some action to take. You certainly shouldn’t be saying, “Well, I could do it this way, but man, I would hate that.” You’re not on the right track if that’s the case.
Action will sometimes be required, but if you’re really doing it in line with what the Universe is trying to bring to you, it’s going to feel joyous. You’re going to feel so alive. Time will just stop. You could do it all day.

Action is a word that can imply “work” to some people, but inspired action will not feel like work at all. The difference between action and inspired action is this: Inspired action is when you are acting to receive to receive. If you are in action to try and make it happen, you have slipped backwards. Inspired action is effortless, and it feels wonderful because you are on the frequency of receiving.

Imagine life as a fast-moving river. When you are acting to make something happen it will feel as though you are going against the current of the river. It will feel hard and like a struggle. When you are acting to receive from the Universe, you will feel as though you are flowing with the current of the rive. It will feel effortless. That is the feeling of inspired action, and of being in the flow of the Universe and life.

Sometimes you will not even be aware you used “action” until after you’ve received, because the acting felt so good. You will then look back and see the wonder and matrix of how the Universe carried you to what you wanted, and also brought what you wanted to you.

The Universe likes speed. Don’t delay. Don’t second-guess. Don’t doubt. When the opportunity is there, when the impulse is there, when the intuitive nudge from within is there, act. That’s your job. And that’s all you have to do.

Trust your instincts. It’s the Universe inspiring you. It’s the Universe communicating with you on the receiving frequency. If you have an intuitive or instinctive feeling, follow it, and you will find that the Universe is magnetically moving you to receive what you asked for.

You will attract everything that you require. If it’s money you need you will attract it. If it’s people you need you’ll attract it. If it’s a certain book you need, you’ll attract it. You’ve got to pay attention t what you’re attracted to, because as you hold images of what you want, you’re going to be attracted to things and they’re going to be attracted to you. But it literally moves into physical reality with and through you. And it does that by law.

Remember that you are a magnet, attracting everything to you. When you have gotten clear in your mind about what you want, you have become a magnet to draw those things to you, and those things you want are magnetised to you in return. The more you practice and begin to see the law of attraction bringing things to you, the greater the magnet you will become, because you will add the power of faith, belief, and knowing.

You can start with nothing, and out of nothing and out of no way, a way will be made.

All you require is You, and your ability to think things into being. Everything that has been invented and created throughout the history of mankind began with one thought. From that one thought a way was made, and it manifested from the invisible to the visible.

Think of a car driving through the night. The headlights only go a hundred to two hundred feet forward, and you can make it all the way from California to New York driving through the dark, because all you have to see is the next two hundred feet. And that’s how life tends to unfold before us. If we just trust that the next two hundred feet will unfold after that, and the next two hundred feet will unfold after that, your life will keep unfolding. And it will eventually get you to the destination of whatever it is your truly want, because you want it.

Trust the Universe. Trust and believe and have faith. I truly had no idea how I was going to bring the knowledge of The Secret onto the movie screen. I just held to the outcome of the vision, I saw the outcome clearly in my mind, I felt it with all my might, and everything that we needed to create The Secret came to us.

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.”
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Some Questions You Might Want To Ask Yourself

Some Questions You Might Want To Ask Yourself
What do you really and truly want?
What do you hold dear in life?
What do you believe your life is all about?
What do you desire the most in your life?
What is your greatest dream you would like to achieve?
What is your vision for the next 5 years?
What values do you live by?
Why is it important to you to live by your values?
What are your greatest talents, skills, and abilities?
What makes you unique?
What gifts do you bring to the world?
What are your strongest qualities?
What do you want to be remembered for?
What do you want to get out of life?
What are you committed to doing in this world?
What kind of life will you design for yourself?
What is your quest in life?
What were you born to do?
Where have you limited yourself?
What have you contributed to society?
Where is your greatest desire to serve?
What change do you want to create in the world?
How can you dare to be different?
What kind of life have you created with your current beliefs?
What beliefs do you need to change to live a more rewarding life?
What is the cause of your making poor choices?
What actions can you take to avoid pain and, thereby, gain more pleasure and happiness?
What is the greatest regret of your life?
What have been your biggest challenges in life?
What do you find difficult to accept in your character?
What are your goals, dreams, hopes, and aspirations?
What plans do you have for personal development?
What voids in your life are you trying to fill?
Where does your power come from?
What healthy boundaries have you created for yourself?
What boundaries have you yet to develop that will increase your effectiveness?
There are many more questions to ask yourself; this is only a selection.
Keep on asking, keep on growing, keep on reaching out for positive progress.
What ever it is you want, you only have to ask!

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Talking to Yourself or Your Own Personal Inquisition

I was the third child in our family, which meant I was frequently left out. My older brother and sister regularly ganged up on me. It was a case of “Two’s company, three’s a crowd.” As a consequence, I concocted an imaginary twin, with whom I played many games and enjoyed frequent lengthy conversations. I was repeatedly told, “Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness.” However, talking to yourself may be the sanest thing you can ever do, provided it is performed appropriately. I still do it today, but now I am aware that I am conduction my own inquisition, discussing my own challenges and finding solutions to my problems, and perhaps even the problems I see around me. Give it a try: It can earn you the most amazing successes in life.
Getting what you want out of life is principally about success. Most people think success concerns their career, or their business and their finances, but it goes a great deal deeper than that. I would consider genuine success to be about achievement and values, not just about accomplishments, which can be witnessed externally. Business, career and financial success are immensely predisposed to the success you have in other aspects of your life – your spiritual temperament, your life purpose, your health, your relationships, and so many other aspects that have absolutely nothing to do with money, but which nonetheless greatly influence whether you are prosperous or poor.
The obstacles you might encounter in life might appear to be external, but the real impediments preventing you from achieving your goals are, in reality, inside you, and until you uncover them and weed them out, things are not exactly likely to go the way you hope.
Genuine success is achieved in every avenue of your life, not just in business or finance. Happiness is a part of success, as is knowledge of and accomplishment of your life purpose and rewarding, vibrant and joyful interaction with other human beings; it’s a situation that is bursting with vitality. There you will realize happiness. What’s required is a balance in the greater labyrinth of life surrounding you.
In any sphere of study, one of the best ways to learn is by asking meticulous and challenging questions. Socrates, the noted Greek philosopher – circa 400BC – taught his students with what has become known as the Socratic Method. He answered his students’ questions with an additional query about their question, and question followed question, a procedure that could go on for hours. The understanding that was garnered from this practice was that the answers to life’s most serious questions cannot be found in some external source, but rather within each human being.
The Socratic Method entails the use of questions to create a dialogue between a teacher and a student, but to get the best of this technique for the purpose of exploring deeper realms of consciousness than most people delve into, generate a discussion with yourself. The idea is to examine your subconscious mind and the super-conscious mind so as to uncover your intuition, inner truth and wisdom, to ask yourself probing questions, answer yourself and, by asking more questions, teach yourself about life - your life - making you your own Socrates.
Your questions need to be designed to uncover the values, beliefs and rules by which you live to assist in generating breakthroughs, for you are capable of improvement in all avenues of life. Your innate power is just waiting to be realized. By asking and answering pertinent questions you can tap into that power and you will unearth prosperity in all areas of life. It is possible to do this, and much more, by understanding the machinations of the mind and asking suitable questions, relating to your inner truth and performing the resultant required activities on a daily basis.
There is such abundance in the universe; nothing is in short supply. The one thing there is a shortage of is thought, the right kind of thought. Why are some people tremendously prosperous, while others live in abject poverty? It all comes down to the use of the mind and the distribution of resources. What leads us in the wrong direction on our path through life is a dearth of wisdom, compassion, creativity, focus and discipline. All of these are required for an abundant life.
Why do people settle for lack when there is a life of abundance to be enjoyed? Because most people live from the outside in, rather than the inside out. They are obsessed with what they have instead of being inspired by their inner being, their soul, and with what they can enjoy. They take advice form others in the same boat as them, instead of taking the time to appreciate what is right for them by looking within. This leads to veiled visions, squandered dreams, and mediocrity.
However, those who take time for honest introspection notice the patterns and cycles of life. They have self-esteem and integrity, set boundaries and allow themselves time for rejuvenation. They review their progress and examine what is, or is not, working for them and make adjustments with a positive attitude. They take full responsibility for their actions, seek truth, finding ways to improve their lives and, by so doing, make a difference in the world.

Our lives are like a spider web,
intricately woven,
and whatever path we choose
affects the entire world.
The Power of Self-Talk
by Todd Smith
Guess who’s the number one person you communicate with on a daily basis? It’s you! Our internal conversations characterize how we view the world and influence every part of our lives- relationships, achievements, attitude and ultimately our degree of happiness.
If this internal dialogue focuses on your faults, mistakes, weaknesses, insecurities, fears or other negative things, it will be virtually impossible to feel good about yourself and advance your life forward. Furthermore negative thinking can have a detrimental effect on your health and overall quality of life.
If on the other hand your self-talk concentrates on your strengths, blessings, successes, opportunities and other positive thoughts, you will feel great about yourself. You’ll enhance your ability to overcome obstacles and as a whole your life will become more enjoyable and fulfilling.
The great news is that you can control what you think about and you can replace any negative thought with a more positive and productive affirmation. Like anything else, it takes time and practice and it will get easier over time.
Become Aware of Your Internal Conversations
The first step toward improving our thoughts is to REALLY listen to our self-talk. Are your thoughts positive or negative? Do they lift you up or do they bring you down? Do they inspire or do they impede? You may not realize how often negative thoughts pop into your head. Become aware of this internal dialogue and its content and make sure it stays positive. When it gets negative take a few minutes to analyze the underlying reasons for your negative thinking.
Take Control of Your Thinking
If you catch yourself thinking negatively, you can stop your thought process mid-stream by literally saying to yourself “STOP!” Saying this aloud will be powerful and will make you more aware of the frequency and circumstances of these negative internal conversations.
Another trick is to walk around with a rubber band around your wrist. As you notice negative self-talk, pull the band away and let it snap back. It’ll hurt a little and serve as a slightly negative consequence that will both make you more aware of your thoughts and help put a stop to them!
Every time I catch myself thinking about one of my failures, faults or mistakes, I have a firm conversation with myself and I say, “I’ve learned all I can learn. I can’t change what has happened. I refuse to think about it any longer!” Then using my self-control I change the subject.
I confess that I may have to repeat this self-talk technique 20 times before I can finally stop thinking about a major mistake or failure. But as with every challenge I have faced thus far in my life, I have not allowed it to negatively impact my overall outlook.
Let me encourage you to start being aware of your self-talk. Determine which conversations are helpful and which ones are harmful. Take control over your thoughts and you will watch your life blossom before your eyes.
Remember, we all make mistakes. We all have set backs. We all experience failures. We all have bad things happen to us. The key is to learn from every experience and to use our self-control to stop thinking about them.
“It isn’t what you have, or who you are,
or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy.
It is what you think about.”
--- Dale Carnegie

About the Author:
Todd Smith is a successful entrepreneur of 29 years
and founder of Little Things Matter.

Friday, 2 April 2010

Ask And You Will Receive

Asking questions can help you live an incredible life. To understand why, you need first to look at human development. Children between the ages of two and five years of age are greatly motivated by the “WHY” word – they have a tremendous desire for explanation. When they ask ‘why’, or ‘how’, they are not just making conversation; they are trying to learn new things, getting to the foundation of a subject. The ability to ask questions enables a young child to make an enormous jump in its development.
All through your education you are encouraged to ask questions. Does that mean that when you complete your education, whether in school, college or university, you don’t need to ask any more questions? Most certainly not! I remember a classmate saying, after we had completed our last school exam, “No more learning, no more questions, no more answers.” I know he meant he was happy to have his exams over, but thought then, as I still do now, what a dumb thing that was to say. You need to go on learning all through your life; when you stop learning you are worthy of only one thing – the grave.
With that in mind, it is obvious that to make a success of life you need to go on asking questions to live a dynamic life. The better the questions you ask, the better your life will become. You should be asking yourself questions all through life concerning relationships, projects, interests, career – in other words, concerning every aspect of your life. Asking new questions changes your focus and direction. This also affects your thinking. Asking questions of yourself forms the habit of introspection.
Introspection is the key to living a dynamic life. If you can look at yourself and recognise that you have faults and weaknesses, then you are ready to change. People who are not analytical of their lives, their actions and circumstances, rarely succeed in the fields of life that matter most. Those who ask introspective questions concerning their lives find they are more successful.
Be weary of how you ask your questions. If your thinking is negatively impaired, you are likely to ask yourself the wrong type of questions. You are here to live a life of abundance and to use your mind to develop and expand your life. The right questions will do this, and then some. Asking, without any doubt that you will receive what you ask for, is a key that can unlock the life you have always desired.
You already hold the key, but you may not be using it effectively. Spiritual leaders have known this secret for thousands of years; it is not something new. It’s not about looking outside yourself for something you lack, but rather reaching inside for something that you already possess. Your intensity of fulfilment can be traced back to the questions you ask and the actions you take from day to day. Never be afraid to ask big questions and dream big. Your big questions can result in unrelenting success.
Anything is possible if you dare to ask!
The Power Of Questions
by Todd Smith
Kindra Hall, a fellow blogger and beautiful writer, recently shared a story about her first visit to the National Speakers Association. Every day for three years she drove by their offices thinking about how to present herself. What would she say? How would she say it? Finally building up the courage to go inside, she decided to just ask questions.
Introduced to a representative from the association, she indicated she wanted to be “a sponge” and learn as much as she could about improving her speaking ability.
The lady responded and said, “So many people come into an organization like this with the goal to impress. They memorize their resume and talk about why they are unlike anything anyone has seen. Honestly, those folks never make it very far. While it is good to be confident, the true measure of this experience is not how impressive you are coming in – it’s how much you can learn while you are here. If your goal is to soak up what you can from others to become better, that is impressive. And the members of this association will help in whatever way they can to make sure you get the information you seek.”
This story reminded me of another little thing that matters: the importance of asking questions. Most people feel the need to impress you with what they know. They feel the need to explain how good they are at what they do. Or worse yet, they pitch you on something, all without asking one question.
I wonder how much more successful we would be if we focused our time asking good questions, rather than thinking about what we want to say. Think about it.
Asking questions accomplishes many things. Here are seven quick points that come to mind.
1. You Show An Interest. The relationships building process is built by FIRST showing an interest in others. When you show an interest in others and the things that are important to them, they will show an interest in you and the things important to you.
2. You Demonstrate Your Desire to Learn. This alone will increase people’s respect for you. In a world of “know it alls” and people who could care less about gaining knowledge, you will stand out from the crowd by being someone who has the desire to learn.
3. People Will Want to Help You. Most people find great fulfillment from helping people who genuinely want to learn. I love helping people if I have the knowledge and experience that can benefit them. How about you?
4. You Will Identify Needs and Desires. By asking good questions, you can determine if what you have to offer is something the other person really needs. No one likes to be pitched and they especially don’t want to be pitched on something they don’t want or need. If you are in sales, you would be wise to spend more time thinking about the questions you want to ask rather than excessive details about your sales presentation.
5. You Are Showing Respect. When you ask people questions, you are recognizing their value and importance. Everyone wants to feel like they have something worthwhile to contribute. As I pointed out in To Earn Respect You Must Show Respect when you show respect to others, they will show respect to you.
6. Help You Solve Problems. One of the best ways to solve problems and make wise decisions is to ask good questions.
7. To Explore Deeper. The first words that people share are generally just the “tip of the iceberg.” They represent the surface of their thoughts rather than the deep meaning behind those thoughts. Asking questions is the best way to find out what people “really” mean. When you take the time to find out what people really mean, they will be instinctively drawn to you.
So, being honest with yourself, how would you rank yourself on a scale of 1-10 on this subject? Are you a person who asks questions? Do you find yourself talking more than you listen? Is this a subject you need to work on?
Over the next 24 hours will you agree to focus on asking questions? Ask your spouse questions about his or her interests; ask your children questions about their school projects; ask questions of your co-workers; seek someone’s insight about a decision you need to make. Will you simply spend more time asking questions rather than talking for just the next 24 hours?
This is an area where I can really improve. Let’s accept this challenge together.
Asking good questions is a great way to learn. It’s an art we can all improve upon.
About the Author: Todd Smith is a successful entrepreneur of 29 years and founder of Little Things Matter.

Thursday, 1 April 2010


Day 15
Beginning to ask questions about life
is a sign you are having a major breakthrough.

The Truth of Life is right here for everybody,
as it has always been,
but the ones who ask questions
receive answers and discover the truth.
When we ask questions,
deeply wanting to know answers,
we will attract the answers
in a form that we can understand.

To receive answers in life,
you must begin to ask.


"Look at the abundance all around you as you go about your daily business.You have as much right to this abundance as any other living creature. It's yours for the asking."
Earl Nightingale




When we focus on what we want and ask for what we want, we are initiating a conversation with the universe.
When you ask for something, there's a good chance that you might not get it. However, if you never ask, there's a definite certainty that you won't get what you seek. By asking often enough and sincerely enough, you'll get what you're after.

If we haven't taken the time to really understand and identify what would truly make us happy, we won't be able to ask for it from those around us or from the universe. We may not even be able to recognize it once it arrives. When you feel that you want something, challenge yourself to find the deeper desire that's responsible for your aspiration. Ask yourself why you have this desire and take the time to understand it. Be completely honest with your answer.

What you might think you want may not necessarily be want you really want. Most of the time, what you think you want is merely intimation, an insinuation or indicator to what you truly desire. Ask yourself what you would like to be able to expect. Then go ahead and bring your expectations in line with your desires. Make the effort, put yourself on the line and ask for what you want from life.

So often we take our surroundings for granted and do not give respect to itsworth. By giving respect to the abundance surrounding us we draw that abundancetowards ourselves, thereby enriching our lives. It is our right to possessabundance and we only need ask that it be ours.

By recognizing abundance, givingthought to it, we take the first step toward bringing it into form in our lives.That we will receive it takes the ability to ask for it, to have the faith that it will be ours, and a decision to accept it in the appropriate season.