Thursday, 28 October 2010

True Giving

Day 50
Take a moment to think about all that nature gives to you
every single day so that you can live.
And yet nature never asks for anything in return.
That is true giving.

What We Are Here For

Day 49
"The aim of life is self-development.
To realize one's nature perfectly.
That is what each of us is here for"
OSCAR WILDE (1854-1900)
The Picture of Dorian Gray


Day 48
There is no force in hate.
Hate is simply the absence of love,
just as darkness is the absence of light.
Poverty is the absence of abundance,
sickness is the absence of health,
and sadness is the absence of joy.
All negativity is simply
the absence of something positive.
This is very, very good to know.

Surround Yourself With Pictures

Day 47
If you want to attract more money,
make lists of the things you will buy with the money.
Surround yourself with pictures of the things you would like
and always feel the feelings of having those things now.
Imagine sharing those things with the ones you love
and imagine their happiness.
Now you're creating!

The Frequency of Pure Goodness

Day 46
If you are just beginning to use the principles of The Secret,
my advice to you is to focus on working on the frequency of your being first.
Ask for what you want, and then WORK on the inside of you.
WORK on lifting the frequency of your being
through your thoughts and feelings.
Tune your frequency to be in harmony with the Universe.
The frequency of the Universe is a frequency of pure goodness!

Harness You Energy

Day 45
When you are beginning to create intentionally,
it is often better to focus on one thing at a time.
With practice you will have great power to harness your energy,
and then you will be able to focus on many things at the one time.
Imagine your mind as magnifying glass with the sun shining through it.
As you hold the magnifying glass steady in one place,
you will create a fire.
There is no difference between the magnifying glass and the sun,
and your mind and the Universe.

Keep Your Vision Moving

Day 44
The key to visualization is to keep the picture moving in your mind,
and yourself moving in the picture.
If you keep the picture moving like a movie,
you can master visualization really quickly.
If the picture is static it is a lot harder to hold the picture in your mind.
Keep your visualization busy with lots of movement,
and your mind will become so captivated it will not
be able to think of anything else.

Everything Comes Through The Law Of Attraction

Day 43
You have been using The Secret all of your life;
there is no time when you haven't been using it.
You are using it whether you bring things you want
or things you don't want.
Every person, event, and circumstance,
in every single day,
comes to you through the law of attraction.

Lighten Another's Burden

Day 42
"No one is more cherished in the world than someone who
lightens the burden of another."

Time Is An Illusion

Day 41
Einstein told us that time is just an illusion.
When you understand and accept that there is no time,
you can see that whatever you want in the future already exists.
That is why when you write, imagine,
or speak of your desire, you should use the present tense.
Radiate your desire in your mind, heart,
and body, and see it as here and now.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Imprinting Visions

Day 40
A vision board is a tool to help you create the
image in your mind of what you want.
As you look at the vision board you are imprinting
pictures of your desire in your mind.
As you focus on your vision board,
it stimulates your senses
and evokes a positive feeling within you.
Then you have the two elements of creation,
your mind and your feelings working full force.

Remember to Be Grateful For Everything

Day 39
It is so important that you are grateful
for everything in your life.
Many people focus on the one thing they want
and then forget to be grateful for all the things they have.
Without the gratitude you cannot achieve anything through the
Law of Attraction,
because if you are not emanating gratitude from your being,
then by default you are emanating ungratefulness.
Be proactive and use the frequency of your being
to receive what you want.
The way you choose to perceive life makes all the difference.
When you choose to see life as a gift - - It is!
When you are grateful - - You are alive.
Gratitude opens the door to freedom.
Being grateful is so simple.

Free To Choose

Day 38
We are all entirely free to choose whatever we want.
The power is in your hands now,
and you are the one who chooses
how to use that power in your own life.
You can choose:
To have a happier life today,
or put it off until tomorrow.
What feels better?
You choose.

Decide To Live In Happiness

Day 37
To change our lives,
at some point we have to decide,
rather than suffer anymore,
we are going to live in happiness.
And the only way we can do that
is to make the decision
to look for things to appreciate,
no matter what.
As we begin to focus on the good
and the brighter side of things,
the Law of Attraction responds by
sending back to us the exact photocopy
of our new thoughts.
And good things begin to appear.
And then more good things,
and then more.....
"Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors where there were only walls!"
Joseph Campbell

The Photocopier

Day 36
The Law of Attraction is impersonal.
It operates just like a photocopying machine.
The law is photocopying what you are thinking and feeling in every moment,
and then sending an exact photocopy back to you,
which becomes your life.
That makes your ability to change your entire world so very easy.
To change the outside world all you have to do is
change the way you think and feel,
and the Law of Attraction will photocopy the change.

Spring Thoughts From Love

Day 35
"The thought manifests as the word.
The word manifests as the deed.
The deed develops into the habit.
And the habit hardens into character.
So watch the thought and it's ways with care.
And let it spring from love,
born out of concern for all beings."
BUDDHA (C 563-483 BC)

Three Steps

Day 34
Think good thoughts.
Speak good words.
Take good actions.
Three steps that will bring more to you than you can ever imagine.

Everything Is Continually Changing

Day 33
Did you know that if your life was not changing,
you would not exist?
Our Universe and everything in it is continually changing,
because our Universe is made of energy.
Energy can exist only if it is in motion and changing.
If energy stopped being in motion,
our entire Universe and all Life would vanish.
Our lives are also energy,
and therefore they too must always be in motion and continue to change.
You cannot stop motion and change in your life,
nor would you want to.
The changing nature of energy gives us Life.
It causes Life to grow and causes us to grow.

The Universe Is On Your Side

Day 32
From the moment you are born,
you have a cosmic partner
who never leaves your side throughout your whole life.
This cosmic partner has unbelievable contacts,
and unlimited means and was of doing anything you want.
Time is not an obstacle,
size is no problem,
and space doesn't exist for your cosmic partner.
There isn't anything your partner cannot do for you.
And all you have to do is follow the cosmic rules.
Ask, and then really believe that in the moment you ask,
what you desire is already yours.
Imagine it -
The entire Cosmic Universe batting for you!

Command the Negativity Out of Your Life

Day 31
You have the ability to command anything.
Here is something you can say to command that negative thoughts leave you.
"Be gone! You have no part in me.
I am Spirit.
I harbour only the good and perfect thoughts of Spirit."
Never were truer words spoken.

You Are Needed

Day 30
Planet Earth and humanity need you.
They need you, and that is why you are here.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Allow the Universe to Provide

Day 29
When it comes to love relationships,
often people think that they want a particular person.
But if you think about it deeply,
it is not really the particular person that they want.
What they really want is to be blissfully happy with the perfect person.
Yet still they try to tell the Universe who that person is.
If the Universe isn't delivering,
then the message from the Universe is loud and clear;
"I just checked twenty years ahead,
and the bliss and happiness you deserve will not happen in this relationship."
Why is it that we think we know more than the one who can see everything?

The Joy of Living

Day 28
"A feeling that greater possessions,
no matter of what kind they may be,
will of themselves bring contentment or happiness,
is a misunderstanding.
No person, place, or thing can give you happiness.
They give cause for happiness and a feeling of contentment,
but the Joy of Living comes from within."
Genevieve Behrend (1881 - 1960)
Your Invisible Power

Create Your Tomorrow

Day 27
To create your tomorrow,
go over your day tonight when you are in bed just before you fall asleep,
and feel gratitude for the good moments.
If there was something you wanted to happen differently,
replay it in your mind the way you wanted it to go.
As you fall asleep say,
"I will sleep deeply and wake up full of energy.
Tomorrow is going to be the most beautiful day of my life."
Good Night!

Manage The Frequency of Your Being

Day 26
When you are just beginning to deliberately manage the frequency of your being
(through your thoughts and feelings),
you may find there are some ups and downs,
and that you are jumping from one frequency to another.
This stage is so short,
and in no time at all you will begin to stabilise on a higher frequency,
and then a higher frequency,
forever climbing higher and higher.
It took some practice to walk, didn't it?
But with determination you did it.
There is no difference.

Out of Darkness into Light

Day 25
You can change the path of your life from dark to light
or from negative to positive.
Every single time you focus on the positive you are bringing
more light into your life,
and you know that light removes all darkness.
Gratitude, love, kind thoughts, words and actions bring light
and eliminate the darkness.
Fill your life with the light of positivity!

Maintain Your Joy

Day 24
If you have a friend who is going through any kind of difficult time,
help them by making sure you maintain your joy.
Your good feelings will help life them.
You can also help them by directing their conversations so that they speak about what they want,
just keep gently leading them back to what they want.
You can also speak to them as though their difficult time is over,
and suggest they imagine that it has all passed and worked out beautifully.
Be the conductor when you speak with them,
and help them stay in tune with the Universe.

In Partnership With The Law Of attraction

Day 23
You are in partnership with the Law Of Attraction,
and it is through this partnership between the two of you that you are creating your life.
Each person has their own personal partnership with the Law Of Attraction.
You use the law yourself;
everyone else uses the law for themselves.
You cannot use this Law Of Attraction for someone else,
against their free will.
And when you think about it,
thank goodness the law operates this way.
If it did not,
then anybody else could create something in your life that you did not want.
You create through your thoughts and feelings,
and no one but you can think your thoughts or feel your feelings.

Good In Everything

Day 22
Good is underneath every single thing that appears to be negative.
If we can know that good is all there is, including in a negative situation,
then we will see a negative situation transform into all good.
Most people keep the good away from themselves because they label something as bad,
and then, of course, that becomes their reality.
But there is not bad in the Universe;
it is just our inability to see things clearly from the bigger perspective.
Peace comes from knowing that good is all that exists.

Change Is A Choice

Day 21

"Never try to compel others to change;
leave them free to change naturally and orderly because they want to,
and they will want to when they find that your change was worthwhile."

"To inspire in others a desire to change for the better is truly noble;
but this you can do only by leaving them alone,
and becoming more noble yourself."

--- Christian D. Larson (1874 - 1954) ... Mastery of Self

Appreciation of What We Have

Day 20

Why is it that most often you find that top quality cars
are kept immaculately clean and tidy by their owners,
while the older cars are often dirty and messy inside?
The difference is the evidence of appreciation.
Appreciation of what you have brings what you want.
That is how these people attract the better cars to them.