Friday, 30 January 2009

Happiness Through Excellence

Day 5

Look for the gifts in everything,
especially when you are facing
what appears to be a negative situation.
Everything that we attract causes us to grow,
which means that ultimately everything is
for our own good.
Adjusting to a new path and a new direction
will require new qualities and strengths,
and these qualities are always exactly what we need
to acquire in order to accomplish the
great things ahead in our life.
When you recognize that you are where you are -
in a situation, a job, or relationship etc.
Because of what happened,
And had it not happened that way..
Even though at the time it was so hard.
You would not be where you are today,
In a jobs, in relationship, etc.
So many things flow together..
And in the end, it is good for us.
It will require new qualities and new strengths.
Keep this mind as we go and grow this next year.
New strengths are already within us and just waiting to be used.
As we draw on these new qualities and strengths,
We grow.
"Look at the abundance all around you as you go about your daily business. You have as much right to this abundance as any other living creature. It's yours for the asking."
Earl Nightingale
This is such a beautiful quote taken from"The Strangest Secret". So often we take our surroundings for granted and do not give respect to its worth. We more frequently see the negative side of life and its situations, thinking of the bad things that happen to us rather than finding something good out of our experiences. Focusing on the negative things only brings more of the same into our lives.
By giving respect to the abundance surrounding us we draw that abundance towards ourselves, thereby enriching our lives. We would be doing ourselves a great favour to rather look for even the slightest bit of good in a situation. It might be like looking through a whole bucket of oisters just to find the one that has the pearl in it.
It is our right to possess abundance and we only need ask that it be ours, focusing on the good we wish to have, rather than only seeing the dark clouds that may be covering us. By recognizing abundance, giving thought to it, we take the first step toward bringing it into form in our lives. That we will receive it takes faith and a decision to accept it in the appropriate season.
Every seed has a gestation or incubation period. Ideas are spiritual seeds and will move into form or physical results. Your goals will manifest when the time is right. Know they will.
Happiness Through Excellence
"The ancient Greek definition of happiness
was the full use of your powers along lines of excellence."
John F. Kennedy
"We are what we repeatedly do.Excellence, then, is a habit."
The ancients understood the search for happiness. There is so much to begleaned from the ancient writings about how we should live and how we should behave, not just for the benefit of ourselves, but for the service of all humanity. Those who are and will be remembered for time immemorial are those who sought to operate in excellence.
Creating happiness through excellence goes beyond positive thought. Well,you might think that you have changed your thoughts but still not achieved the happiness you seek. Obviously there is another part of the process we need to consider.
First of all, do you really know what you want to bring you happiness? What are your deepest heartfelt desires? And, will they bring you happiness. It's not just what you think you can have;
think beyond that. And don't, like most people, start thinking about the things you don't want.
Remember that your mind will even respond to the negatives and give you these as well. And don't worry about HOW you are going to get what you want because then your desire will be reduced and the things you will think of will be small; think rather of WHAT you require to bring happiness and this will expand your thinking and your vision.
You will probably have had this suggestion made to you before, but I am going to make it again, for it is something that should be an ongoing process in our live, which relates to increase:
Make a list, which you can add to daily, of the things or circumstances you would like in your life to bring you happiness. Be as specific as possible about the things you put on the list. Describe things fully, envision them, even make a graphic image if what your require and keep it where you can see it often. Don't be too fussy to begin with about the order of things on your list. Once you have a number of things you can then start to prioritize and bring the main thing to thetop of the list. Then the MAIN THING is to keep the MAIN THING the MAINTHING! You only have one life to live, now that is, so give consideration to lifestyle, how you would like to be living that will bring you joy.
To give you some idea of what I'm getting at here, think about the man who drives a fancy sports car, like for instance a Ferrari or Maserati. You have probably been passed by one of these magnificent machines at some time and,looking at the driver, thought 'How does he get to drive one of those?' Or you have seen one parked on the street and peeped in through the windows thinking you can experience a little luxury while you can just by looking in. Well, let me tell you - looking IN is nothing, it's looking OUT that is everything. So in imagining the things you desire, imagine actually owning them and 'LOOKING OUT'.
In making this list give consideration to the fact that there are three motives for which you live: the body, mind and soul. You are a physical, mental and spiritual being and the balance of these faculties is what brings happiness. No one of these has supremacy over the other; when one has lack and another has abundance, you are out of balance and your happiness, if you experience any, will be fleeting. Neither body, mind nor soul can live fully if one of the others is cut short of full life expression. Lasting happiness will not ensue if you only live for the soul and deny the body and the mind. Likewise, to live only for the intellect and deny the physical and the spiritual side of life will also ultimately lead to an unhappy life.
The object of all life is increase and all living things have the inalienable right to all the increase or development it is capable of attaining. This is what all people, exerting the natural urge within them to find fuller expression, are seeking. Your development needs to be balanced in that of soul, mind and body. This is achieved by making use of physical things. For the acquisition of these things we need money - it's this worlds currency of exchange. Therefor the basis of your advancement must be to attain wealth. This is your birthright. Forget the idea that being rich is reprehensible or evil. That's absolutely untrue. That's a dogma spread by those who wish to suppress the masses and keep them impoverished and thus dependant upon those in control. The Powers of the Universe want you to have life, and to have it in abundance. You require the free and unrestricted useof whatever you feel may be necessary for your fullest physical, mental and spiritual development. To put it in a nut shell - You deserve to be rich.
The desire for increase is inherent in all nature; it is the fundamental impulse of the Universe. Every human action relies upon the desire forincrease. Every living thing is driven by this need for continuous growth. Where increase ceases, death begins.
There is an abundance of opportunity for the person who is prepared to flow with the tide. When you begin to do things in a certain way, the tidal harvest cannot miss you; you become a target for delivery of all good things that will ultimately bring happiness. True, money does not necessarily bring happiness, but it sure makes life a lot easier; it makes excellence achievable too.
Have a wonderful day filled with excellence.
Bright Blessings

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Change In Feelings

Day 4
The Universe is guiding you
and communicating with you
in every second of your life.
It is responding to your thoughts
and it is giving you invaluable feedback
through your feelings.
Your feelings are cosmic communications!
The good feelings mean, GOOD FOR YOU.
The bad feelings are getting your attention
so that you will
what you are focusing on.

Tune in to the cosmic communication
that is with you every day.
You are never alone, not for one second.
The Universe is right with you at every step,
guiding you.
But you have to listen!


Sometimes, this is hard to understand,
but remember you are allowing change,
you are wanting change in your life.
That is the difference you may have not had
a year ago..a month ago.
You want a difference in your life,
so continue to allow it to happen,
and think of these words
of the Daily Teachings with an open Mind,
a mind that is seeking a better life.
Small Steps To Big Change - Making Big Change Easier
When we decide that it’s time for big changes in our lives, it is wise to ease into them by starting small. Small changes allow us to grow into a new habit and make it a permanent part of our lives, where as sudden changes may cause a sense of failure that makes it difficult to go on, and we are more likely to revert to our old ways. Even if we have gone that route and find ourselves contemplating the choice to start over again, we can decide to take it slowly this time, and move forward.
Sometimes the goals we set for ourselves are merely indicators of the need for change and are useful in getting us moving in the right direction. But it is possible that once we try out what seemed so ideal, we may find that it doesn’t actually suit us, or make us feel the way we had hoped. By embarking on the path slowly, we have the chance to look around and consider other options as we learn and grow. We have time to examine the underlying values of the desire for change and find ways to manifest those feelings, whether it looks exactly like our initial goal or not. Taking small steps forward gives us time to adjust and find secure footing on our new path.
Life doesn’t always give us the opportunity to anticipate or prepare for a big change, and we may find ourselves overwhelmed by what is in front of us. By choosing one thing to work on at a time, we focus our attention on something manageable, and eventually we will look up to see that we have accomplished quite a bit. Forcing change is, in essence, a sign that we do not trust the universe’s wisdom. Instead, we can listen to our inner guidance and make changes at a pace that is right for us, ensuring that we do so in alignment with the rhythm of the universe.
For extra reading I am including
A Grateful Heart
Excerpt from the book
“It’s Not About The Money”
by Bob Proctor
Download HERE
Have a Beautiful Day filled with Love, Joy and Gratitude.
May you begin to feel positive change in your life.
Hugs and Bright Blessings

Sunday, 25 January 2009

An Inside Job

Day 3

Whatever feelings you have within you are attracting your tomorrow.
Worry attracts more worry.
Anxiety attracts more anxiety.
Unhappiness attracts more unhappiness.
Dissatisfaction attracts more dissatisfaction.
Joy attracts more joy.
Happiness attracts more happiness.
Peace attracts more peace.
Gratitude attracts more gratitude.
Kindness attracts more kindness.
Love attracts more LOVE.

Your job is an inside one.
To change your world,
all you have to do is change the way you feel inside.
How easy is that?
There is a Law of Gratitude, it is a part of the Law of Vibration and Attraction.
If you are to get the results you desire, it is imperative that you should observe this law.
The Law of Gratitude is the natural principle that action and reaction are always equal and in the opposite directions. The outreaching of your mind in an attitude of gratitude to The Source is a liberation or expenditure of energy; it is irrevocably destined to reach that to which it is addressed. As a result, The Source responds with an immediate movement towards you.
You are a progressive being, constantly changing and growing, with unlimited potential ready to be achieved at ever moment of your life. What you do with that potential is totally up to you. How you think and the actions you take will command your direction and achievements in life. Your progress is largely determined by your ruling mental state, the mind being the governing power in your entire life. Give attention to your predominant mental state, for it will regulate the action and direction of all your energies, faculties and powers, and ultimately determine your experiences and achievements.
Various mental attitudes you take towards things, events, and life in general, make up your ruling state of mind. If your attitudes are broad minded, optimistic and true to life, your predominant mental state will correspond to this way of thinking and show a progressive and constructive tendency. If your ruling mental state is positive, aspiring and harmonious, all your energies will be channeled into constructive avenues.
Mental attitudes are the result of ideas, which have their origins in your mental programming. Much of your programing may be of a negative nature, however, but it can be overcome by seeking and developing natural points of view, repeating these in thoughts, words and deeds until they become second nature. Believe more than what you see, rather than adhering to the adage of "Seeing is believing". The latter creates a minimalist world, where the former creates infinite potential.
So, in requiring change in your life, change that will bring progressive blessings of every kind, it's up to you. The first change is inside you - the way you think, the way you relate to things, and ultimately the attitudes you bare. You need to take responsibility for your own life, without passing the buck or looking for a scape goat when things don't seem to go your way. Negative ideas or paradigms can be overcome by progressively replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts, destructive actions with constructive actions, blinkered vision with infinite vision and imaginings. All these things will enhance your growth, enabling you to move progressively ahead to change your world
If you have Incredimail and would like to receive one of my letters, entitled
"Be Aware of Your Thinking"
you may download it
Have a Beautiful Day filled with Love, Joy and Gratitude.
Hugs and Bright Blessings


Day 2...

To change your life fast, use the gratitude to shift your energy.
When you put all of your energy into gratitude,
you will see miracles take place in your life.
To change things quickly,
commit to writing 100 things each day, until you see the change.
And FEEL the gratitude. Your power is in the FEELING that
you put into the words of gratit
Dr. Joe Vitale says in The Secret by Rhonda Byrne ...
"Thoughts are sending out that magnetic signal that is drawing the parallel back to you".
Here is another quote from the book from Charles Hannel
"The predominant thought or the mental attitude is the magnet, and the law is that like
attracts like, consequently, the mental attitude will in variably attract such conditions as
correspond to its nature"
Every thought you send out to the Universe, attracts everything out there that is on the same level. What you send out comes right back to you, as you are the source of that thought.
So why not think good positive thoughts, and shift your negative thoughts as often
as you can. Doing this is not instant, you have to rethink it, almost everyday,
in every situation, for the human tendency is to think in the negative;
When you think in the negative that is what you open yourself up for.
Give it a try for this time, to shift all thoughts to only positive ones, in every situation. Don't react out of fear and what you don't want, but react rather out of joy for what you do want, in every situation.
I want to share with you an excerpt from
"The Law of Achievemnet" by Kathleen Gage and Lori Gio vannoni.
"A greateful heart cannot be a hateful heart."
"We achieve our highest level of potential when we live in a state of gratitude.
As you move through the day, do your eyes see the best of things, grateful for the beauty of the day and the possibilities it holds? Or have your eyes become accostomed to seeing what is missing, searching for disappointment and evidence of lack?
At times it takes extreme effort to have the experience of gratitude. At other times it is not difficult at all. The paradox of gratitude is the more you express and live in gratitude the more you see what you have to be grateful for.
It is easy to be grateful and joyful when we have all we believe we deserve. It is in times of lack, pain, sorrow and loss that we are truly tested in our ability to be grateful.
Gratitude is an exercise of focus:
Focus on your acheivements, rather than your failures.
Focus on what is working, rather than what is not.
Focus on what you have, rather than what you don't.
Focus on your heart, rather than on your head."
It is essential that gratitude should come from the heart, rather than the head.
This is an attitude of gratitude. You have most likey come across the expression, " Attitude is everything". It is a good maxim to include in gratutude. When in an attitude of gratitude we are inextricably linked to and in perfect unity with The Source of all things, the Universe or God.
Thinking about the things you are greatful for is great, but bringing the thoughts from the heart is far better. When the gratitude comes from our very soul, laced with feelings, emotions and reasoning, it reinforces the unity with The Source and a soul that is always grateful lives continually in close touch with The Source. If you beleive that there is one intelligent substance from which all things, good or bad, proceed, and you have faith that this substance gives you what every it is you desire, it makes it so much easier to relate yourself to this substance through a feeling of deep and profound gratitude; though an attitude of gratitude.
The nearer you live to The Source, the more you shall receive. Gratitude alone can keep you looking toward The Source and prevent you from falling into the error of thinking that your supply of blessings in limited. You blessings are infinite!
For more reading I am sharing with you Chapter 7 from Bob Proctor's course,
"It's Not about the Money".
Download Here
Wishing You A Beautiful Day
Warm Hugs and Bright Blessings

Sharing The Secret

Day 1

The Secret contains clear principles on how to live your life
in accordance with the natural laws of the Universe,
and the most important thing for any person to do is to
You can only become the
Master of your life by

As we travel through a year of teachings, the clarity, understanding,
and wisdom you will receive every day
will help you live the laws that govern human beings,
so you may truly become the Master of your life.

May the joy be with you.
I have been working with the principles of The Secret for many years now - and YES they do work. We have no idea just how powerful our thoughts are. We are the only creature who has the ability to think and to reason; all other creatures rely on instinct, an inbuilt process. Humans have this ability too, but I'd rather call it intuition. Many of us have lost the ability to use this faculty, but it is also a tremendous tool for us to reach out and advance in our walk through life.

I'd like to share a story about our coming to the UK. When we were still in South Africa, my husband and I were working with a company who gave recognition to their associates by offering incentive holidays to those who were successful in their achievements on behalf of the company. In 2001 the incentive was a trip from South Africa to the UK. To advertise this incentive trip I designed and painted - along with help from my husband and a number of my fellow associates - a mural made up of places in the UK, which was hung in our offices. I loved doing it! You might say it was a labour of love... LOL. What it was for me though was a reminder every time I went into the office that that was where I wanted to be - every time I saw the mural I would think "I'm going there"; I would even sit and look at it and think of the things I would do as if I was doing it in Britain.

That year the South African Rand took such a dive against the £ that eventually the company declared that they would not be able to finance the trip to the UK and offered us Mauritius instead. Did I give up on going to the UK? Not a damn ..... My mural stayed on the wall, only being taken down when we were preparing to leave South Africa to come over here for good. In that year before we left our business boomed and both my husband and I were also offered so much temp work that we were able to save enough to get us over here and settled in the UK. When the mural was taken down, the company offered it to me, but I told them I had no need of it anymore - it had served it's purpose. You see - no one else made it to the UK, only my husband and I.

This is how powerful your thoughts are in drawing to your your greatest desires. Even when we were thrown the curve ball of the company pulling out on their side of the deal I never gave in to thinking we couldn't do it. We had made up our minds to go - and in September of 2002 we made it... Whew. .

One of the things I have learnt is to think in positives - what I want and not what I don't want. I am well aware that the subconscious mind does not recognize negatives - so if you think something negative, that is what you will draw to you. I want to encourage you all to read The Secret and watch the movie, not just once but often. Every time I watch the movie I see another gem I have not perhaps noticed before. I might read a little bit from the book every few days too - just open it anywhere and it will surprise you. I receive a message from Bob Proctor everyday as well - he is my personal mentor and I owe him a great debt as he has worked with us many years now, teaching and inspiring. He is a wonderful man - and to think that he used to be an office cleaner....... Amazing!

Soooo - - Are we in for an exciting year - - - - or what?
I'm waiting in shear anticipation for all the wonders the Universe
has in store for me these next 12 months.....
Bring it on!!!

Hugs and Bright Blessings